Reference no: EM131599327
1: Reading
Download the Space Invaders code (from cuLearn). This code is written by Kevin Glass and is part of a tutorial on accelerated graphics (in Java) that he created.
A)Read through the different classes in the code. Give a brief description of each class that is provided. (A high level description in less than five lines of writing for each.)
B)Compile and run the Game program. Briefly describe two (2) changes to the code that would make for a more interesting game. (Things that you could do.)
You will be using this code in future tutorials and assignments. (You will be extending and modi- fying the code.) Take some time now to make sure you know what this code is and how it works.
Write your answers in a single plain text file called Space.txt.
People, Bugs and Disease
The remainder of this assignment involves working with classes that will interact with each other. These involve people, bugs and diseases.
2: Person Class [5 marks]
Complete the provided Person class. Add appropriate getter and setter methods. Complete the
interact(Person) method.
When a person transmits a disease to another person, a new copy of the same disease should be transmitted (same name, severity, chance of transmission). Make sure that you create a new Disease object. (why?)
3: Diseases
Create two classes: Zika and Plague. Each of these classes must extend the Disease class. Each of these classes must define (override) both abstract methods inherited from Disease. For each, when creating objects, the name passed in should just be the name of the disease.
• Zika class: The severity should be an integer between 0 and 10 (inclusive).
public void impact(Person p)
// Precondition: none
// Postconditions: none
// Side Effects:
// (1) the person's health will be decreased by the value
// of the severity of the disease
// (2) The disease's severity will be reduced by 1 (until it reaches zero)
// (3) The disease's chance of transmission is reduced by 10
// (i.e. 0.9 * current chance of transmission)
public void treat()
// Pre and postconditions: none
// Side Effects: Both the severity and chance of transmission are
// reduced by a factor of 2. (i.e. each is replaced by 1/2
// of the current value, using integer division for severity)
• Plague class: The severity should be an integer between 0 and 100 (inclusive).
public void impact(Person p)
// Pre and postconditions: none
// Side Effects:
// (1) the person's health will be decreased by 5 if the severity
// if larger than 50 and decreased by 2 if the severity is
// less than or equal to 50
public void treat()
// Pre and postconditions: none
// Side Effects: Severity is reduced by a factor of 3 (i.e. it is replaced by 1/3
// of the current value, using integer division)
// Chance of transmission remains the same.
Note: You may want to create more disease subclasses when testing your code.
4: Insects
Create two classes: Mosquito and Tick. Each of these classes will extend the Insect class. Each class must have the following methods/constructors defined.
• Mosquito class: A mosquito's health is an integer between 0 (dead) and 100 (very active).
public Mosquito(String name)
// create a mosquito with no disease and health 100
public Mosquito(String name, int health, Disease disease)
// create a mosquito that has the given health and disease
// (disease might be null; meaning no disease)
public void bite(Person p)
// Pre and postconditions: none
// Side Effects:
// (1) The person's health will be decreased by 1
// (2) The mosquito's health will be decreased by 1
// (3) If the mosquito's health (before being reduced by 1) is
// greater than 50 and it has a disease, it transmits the disease
// to the person (if the person doesn't already have this disease)
// If the mosquito's health is less than or equal to 50 and
// has a disease, it gives the disease to the person
// (if the person doesn't already have it), but the disease it
// gives has 1/2 the severity of the disease the mosquito has.
• Tick class: A tick's health is an integer between 0 (dead) and 100 (very active).
public Tick(String name)
// create a tick with no disease and health 100
public Tick(String name, int health, Disease disease)
// create a tick that has the given health and disease
// (disease might be null)
public void bite(Person p)
// Pre and postconditions: none
// Side Effects:
// (1) The person's health will be decreased by 5
// (2) The tick's health will be decreased by 1
// (3) If the Tick has a disease it gives it to the person.
// If the person already has this disease, the person's disease should
// be replaced with the same disease having the max severity and
// max chance of transmission (of the person's existing disease and
// the one that the tick just gave)
// Example:
// if a tick has the plague with severity 99 and chance of
// transmission 0.3, and the person it is biting already
// has the plague with severity 80 and chance of transmission
// of 0.8, then the person will end up with the plague with
// severity 99 and chance of transmission 0.8.