Reference no: EM132331096
Assignment -
Use the Triview Bank Case to review an organization applying the many concepts acquired from the course. Complete the following different parts of the case study spanning several chapters:
Your paper should integrate at least the following elements:
Below is a recommended outline. Develop answers for each of the questions. Use correct grammar. Quality responses are more significant to learning than quantity.
1. Cover Page (See APA)
2. Introduction
a. Purpose of paper
b. Overview of paper
3. Body
a. Compile a list of the most important factors from the Organizational Profile that would influence the responses to the questions in each of the first six categories, and explain why you believe they relate to the Baldrige Criteria questions.
b. Identify what you believe are the three most important strengths and opportunities for improvement that TNB has in the Customer Focus category? (You may want to review Chapter 3 customer-focused practices.)
c. Identify what you believe are the three most important strengths and opportunities for improvement that TNB has in the Work Focus category? (You may want to review Chapter 4 work-focused practices.)
d. How would you assess the company's approaches used to address these questions? Are they effective?
e. Does Tri-View appear to understand its core competencies and how they support the organization's mission, enable it to compete against its competitors, and help drive strategic objectives and action plans?
f. Can you identify any opportunities for improvement?
a. What factors in the Organizational Profile would be most important in evaluating their strategic planning and deployment approaches? Examine their response in Category 2 to the 2011-2012 Baldrige Criteria questions for this category). What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses and opportunities for improvement?
b. What specific advice, including useful tools and techniques that might help them, would you suggest?
g. After carefully analyzing the measures used in tracking their performance results in comparison with their vital organizational factors and strategic challenges, identify gaps in their performance measurement system. For example, what other measures might be relevant to managing their business that they have not reported? Are all measures reported appropriately segmented (for instance, by location, type of employee, type of customer, and so on)?
h. Examine their response to Category 4 in the context of the practices described in this chapter (you need not consider the actual Baldrige criteria for this activity). What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses and opportunities for improvement? What specific advice, including useful tools and techniques that might help them, would you suggest?
i. What factors in the Organizational Profile would be most important in evaluating their leadership approaches? Examine their response in Category 1 to the 2011-2012 Baldrige Criteria questions for this category. What are their strengths? What opportunities for improvement can you identify?
j. What specific advice, including useful tools and techniques that might help them, would you suggest?
4. Conclusion
a. Summary of main points
b. What does your analysis reveal?
c. Evaluate
5. References - List only references cited in the case analysis in correct APA format.
Attachment:- TriView Bank Case Study.rar
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