Compile a journal of their readings on current events

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM133588773

Problem: Current Events Journal

Students are expected to keep a journal on current issues related to constitutional criminal law. Each student will be required to compile a journal of their readings on current events (nothing over 6 months old) in the criminal justice field, specific to constitutional issues in the news. The journal will include the original article and a student summary of the article on its applications to class material. Students must have a minimum of 5 entries. Do not simply rehash or summarize the article. Additional instructions are posted in Brightspace. Students must think about the event that is described and use that as a springboard for intelligent commentary.

Reference no: EM133588773

Questions Cloud

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What was discussed the date-rape drug rohypnol : According to the chapter entitled 'Depressants and Inhalants', what was discussed the 'date-rape' drug Rohypnol (flunitrazepam).
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Compile a journal of their readings on current events : Compile a journal of their readings on current events (nothing over 6 months old) in the criminal justice field, specific to constitutional issues in the news.
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What is most effective method of learning with technology : What is the most effective method of learning with technology? What theories of cognition support your view? use at least two scholar resources to explain
How can mental health professionals effectively assess : how can mental health professionals effectively assess and provide support for individuals who have experienced trauma but do not qualify for a PTSD diagnosis?
Implementation of a comprehensive fall prevention program : "How does the implementation of a comprehensive fall prevention program (I), as compared to standard pre-operative care.


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