Competitive advantage-vendor relationship management overall

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132608972

Question 1:

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has periodically compiled and published (2013, 2017) the OWASP Top 10 The Ten Most Critical Web Application Security Risks. SQL Injection has remained the number one security risk for web applications for more than 6 years. It is the mechanism behind many high-profile internet attacks.

As a security consultant, what advice or recommendations would you give clients to help them understand the risk posed by SQL Injection and what countermeasures they may take or build into their web application development process to help avoid or mitigate the risk.

Question 2:

"Vendor Relationships and Marketing IT's Value "  Please respond to the following:

Many organizations use information technology vendors to develop company solutions. Determine at least three (3) challenges associated with using vendors. Analyze the relationship between competitive advantage and vendor relationship management overall.

Specify at least three (3) approaches for marketing IT's value. Propose (1) method for implementing each approach within an organization. Provide one (1) example of each approach to support your answer.

Question 3:

One of your continuing clients has engaged you to conduct a wireless assessment and penetration test of their infrastructure. Your client has asked you to brief them on the methodology you will use and the tools you would select to complete this engagement.

Briefly, lay out your proposed methodology with a brief explanation of each step and any tools you would use to support a given step.

Question 4:

"Social Organizations and Core Competencies"  Please respond to the following:

Investigate the importance of effective change leadership in relation to an organization's adoption of social media initiatives. Next, suggest two (2) ethical issues that a CIO may encounter when implementing social media initiatives. Propose (1) strategy for addressing each identified issue. Provide a rationale for your response.

Select three (3) of the twelve (12) core competencies for IT professionals from Chapter 14 of the Roberts text. Rank each one (1) according to its importance for IT professionals to possess in order to develop their careers and compete in the job market. Justify your ranking.

Reference no: EM132608972

Questions Cloud

How does your worldview influence understanding of ethics : How does your worldview influence your understanding of ethics? Why is ethics important for health care? (Reference at least two ethical theories discussed in.
Critically evaluate the training and development program : Critically evaluate the training and development program of any telecom organization of your choice.
Examine erp implementation case studies : Examine ERP implementation case studies from leading ERP vendors, identify key use cases such as the following
Discuss the purpose of the legislative action : Healthcare policy has been a critical aspect of political administrations over the past 100 years. Understanding the political process and how healthcare.
Competitive advantage-vendor relationship management overall : Determine at least three challenges associated with using vendors. Analyze relationship between competitive advantage and vendor relationship management overall
What is the company contribution margin ratio : Bord Corporation has no beginning or ending inventories, and produced and sold 5,000 units during the year. What is the company contribution margin ratio
Design a socio-ecological model : Design a socio-ecological model that effectively demonstrates the links between health, planning and sustainability along with references.
Write out a role-play conversation between the partners : Write out a role-play conversation between the partners in which they make use of effective verbal and nonverbal communication strategies.
Requirements for transporting goods within a workplace : Discuss the transport requirements for transporting goods within a workplace.


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