Competition for business

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM1375632

It has now become common for firms situating assembly plants (e.g., Ford, Toyota, Honda) to make states compete for their industry; states and local governments often race to offer the most generous tax profits, infrastructure improvements, and other forms of assistance to attract companies promising to provide jobs to people within a given locality. Is such competition for business healthy? What is the short-term and long-term impact of such competition? Should Washington enact rules and regulations that prevent states from racing to provide the most generous benefits to companies seeking to employ workers? Is there a danger that ultimately this competition will be a "race to the bottom," with states and localities paying far more in tax incentives than they will ever receive in the form of job creation or money reinvested in the community?

Reference no: EM1375632

Questions Cloud

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Competition for business : It has now become common for firms situating assembly plants to make states compete for their industry; states and local governments often race to offer most generous tax profits.
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