Reference no: EM13736847
Research articles on strategic management of Apple Inc. and Samsung Group.
Write a ten to twelve (10-12) page paper in which you:
1. Analyze the existing business strategies, domestic and global environments, industry, and internal capabilities for both Apple and Samsung. Assess the significant manner in which each company's mission and vision align with the long-terms goals and strategic direction of the organization.
2. Analyze the business-level strategy of each company by conducting a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis. Next, determine the fundamental way in which each sector influences its competitive position within the industry. Provide rationale to support the response.
3. Analyze the central manner in which the strategies of each company's business leaders have adapted to cultural differences in order to both facilitate effective operations within global markets and drive new strategic initiatives with improved innovation excellence. Provide one (1) example of such strategies in use from each company to support the response.
4. Evaluate the superiority of each company's organizational competencies in terms of entrepreneurial capabilities, organizational design capabilities, and strategic capabilities geared toward increased performance and profitability. Include one (1) example of such superiority from each company to support the response.
5. Recommend one (1) appropriate new business strategy for each company that may maximize profitability and improved competitiveness in the industry. Provide a detailed rationale for this strategy.
6. Evaluate the success of both companies' corporate-level strategies in terms of horizontal integration, vertical integration, strategic outsourcing, or diversification. Next, determine the type of strategy that contributed most effectively to the creation of a successful and profitable multibusiness model. Provide a detailed rationale to support the response.
7. Analyze the strategies that the internal leadership of both Apple and Samsung has taken to discourage unethical behaviors. Provide at least three (3) examples of such leadership in action from both companies to support the response.
8. Assume that both Apple and Samsung are in need of organizational change and must alter existing strategies. Recommend three (3) specific ways in which Apple and Samsung could change functional, business, and corporate strategies, as well as organizational structure and control in order to improve business performance and competitiveness in their industry. Provide a rationale to support the response.
9. Use at least six (6) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
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