Reference no: EM132603718 , Length: word count:2000
Case Study Analysis (2000 words)
Assessment guidelines
The written assignment (case study analyses) has been set to test your competence in understanding and applying the significant concepts and material presented in this course. The purpose of this assignment enables you to:
*apply critical thinking to evaluate, synthesise and critically review the material presented in the course.
*relate the material to a context that is relevant and of interest to you.
*support your career development by enhancing your competence in leading organisational change.
More specifically, the assessment is aligned with the objectives of the course. These objectives are detailed within the course specifications. Each assessment item is based on a range of tasks that attempt to relate the material in both theoretical and practical terms.
Style Guide for all Referencing.
* Harvard AGPS referencing is required.
You should write the case study assignments in such a way that you start your answers from line one. That is, there is no need to large introductions that we see in essays. You should apply the principles you have learned from the lecture material/readings that are specific to the case study. The case study answers should be written in narrative form (i.e. sentences must be used, avoid bullet/numbered points), and should be 2000 words in length, give or minus a 10% margin only and single line spaced.
You must include a ‘List of References' at the end of your case response.
As a postgraduate student you must be able to demonstrate your research and analytical skills throughout the assignment. More marks are gained by the quality of research applied in practice and the overall quality of the answer. Please Note: Overall word count does not include Tables and Figures which you are free to use if required. The List of References are also exempt from the word count.
Assignment - Tasks Required:
Based on less than perfect information supplied about the Northern Rock case study, you are required to act as an External Change Consultant to assist Northern Rock to address the issues and challenges:
Develop at least further five (5) realistic assumptions that you can add to the issues and problems expressed. These might typically be related to management, leadership, change processes, managerial information systems, technology, competitors, employees, customers and so on. Use at least two (2) sentences to describe each assumption (200 words). Only reference this task if you can, otherwise, there no need to reference this task in your response.
Referring to Hayes (2018) Chapter 3 and Worley & Mohrman 2014 (Reading 5) critically analyse how Northern Rock should have anticipated the need for change? Which typology of change - using Figure
3.4 Types of Organisational Change (Hayes, 2018 p.55) might best describe the approach that Northern Rock should adopt and justify your answers? (600 words).
With reference to the indicators of effectiveness (Hayes, 2018, Chapter 4), explain and discuss how Northern Rock has or has not been effective and critically discuss the factors that will need to be taken into account when assessing their performance? (600 words)
In reference to Hayes (2018) Chapter 10 Power, politics and stakeholder management and Malhortra & Hinings (2015) Reading 9 discuss and critically analyse the importance of enlisting support from key stakeholders. What advice would you give to Northern Rock at this time? (600 words)
Attachment:- Case Study Analysis.rar