Reference no: EM13869212
Summarize the given 4 research articles in APA Format-
Must be in own words.
Each article summarization has to be 1 page long.
Each summarization must include the following:
Who the researcher was and,
The goal of the researcher, the research methods and measurement, who the participants were and the results found
1. Holy roll calls: religious tradition and voting behavior in the U.S. House. Author(s): Chris Fastnow, J. Tobin Grant and Thomas J. Rudolph.
2. The Abortion Controversy: Conflicting Beliefs and Values in American Society. Author(s): JOSEPH B. TAMNEY, STEPHEN D. JOHNSON, RONALD BURTON.
3. Comparison of Pro-Choice and Pro-Life Activists: Their Values, Attitudes; and Beliefs. Author: Donald Granberg.
4. Through Tinted Glasses: Religion, Worldviews, and Abortion Attitudes. Author: MICHAEL O. EMERSON.