Comparison between different nosql databases

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Reference no: EM131450662

Assessment - Essay

You have to write a 1500 words essay including a detailed case study on of one of the following topics.


1. High level comparison between non-relational and relational databases
2. Low level comparison between any Relational databases with two NoSQL databases.
3. Performance comparison between different NoSQL databases
4. Challenges of implementing Non-relational databases
5. Comparison of Relational Database with Document-Oriented Store
6. Challenges of migrating data from relational to Non-relational databases
7. Security issues of Non-relational databases
8. Cache and consistency in NOSQL databases
9. Evaluating NoSQL Document Oriented Data Model
10. Application of NoSQL database (any one category)
11. Challenges of how enterprises handle challenges of big data
12. Business transformation with Big Data.
13. Most vital/Pressing Issues In Managing Big Data

Some general tips:

- In an essay of 1500 words, the introduction will be roughly 150 words and the conclusion will be another 150 word
- That leaves about 1200 words, and 5-8 body paragraphs
- Formatting: Use Times New Font (size: 12 and colour: black), Margin should be moderate and line spacing should be 1.5.
- Use Harvard style referencing and citation.

Verified Expert

The report is the challenge in handling the challenges of Big Data. The discussion proceeded with the discussion of challenges that are integral with the Big data and subsequently the solutions to face solve the challenges are discussed in. Typical solutions like OLAP, Hadoop, DB2 ,SAS etc proposed in the solution.

Reference no: EM131450662

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Comparison between different nosql databases : BIT310 - Advance Databases High level comparison between non-relational and relational databases and Low level comparison between any Relational databases with two NoSQL databases.
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4/19/2017 5:59:05 AM

This truly looks incredible, I had no clue such an awesome service was out there and I am truly happy with what you guys have accomplished for me! I seek everything will be finished after the semester-Thanks again for the paper, this entire experience has been beneficial and I anticipate DEFINITELY working with you guys later on! Much appreciated once more!


4/19/2017 5:52:11 AM

i need essay off 1500 on this of any of the topic please pick one and let me know thanks hi i have paid for the eassy Challenge of how enterprises handle challenges of big data please write an easy on it thanks


4/4/2017 7:21:06 AM

A:Clarity of ideas, rationale, discussion, conclusion The assignment is clearly laid out and articulate. It contains a well-developed rationale. It uses examples material to support and provides summary of the topic. B: Relevance to selected topic (writing reflects learning about the topic area and wide range of relevant reading applied to explain) Student shows clear understanding and demonstrates consistent and deliberate integration of relevant research from a wide range of sources C: Presentation (5 minutes brief of the topic) Introduction, structure and summary of the presentation are clear. D: Documentation Student used a wide range of accurately referenced sources using the Harvard citation system. Where appropriate information has been modified to make it more relevant to the topic. E: Mechanics The assignment contains only couple of or no spelling or grammatical errors.

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