Reference no: EM13942887
Comparing Stock Screeners
There are two primary stock screeners available to beginning investors which are easy to access:
Yahoo Stock Screener:
Google Stock Screener:
In a short paper, submitted online,
Go to Yahoo Stock Screener and complete a sort of your choosing. Screen shot that sort for your paper and place it in your paper as Figure 1 - Yahoo Stock Screener. How many results did it yield? Pick one that you recognized and briefly discuss the company.
Go to Google Stock Screener and complete a sort of your choosing. Screen shot that sort for your paper and place it in your paper as Figure 2 - Google Stock Screener. How many results did it yield? Pick one that you recognized and briefly discuss the company?
Which stock screener did you prefer and why?
If you prefer to create a short Prezi, Educreations video, or narrated Power Point, that works as well!
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Comparing stock screeners
: There are two primary stock screeners available to beginning investors which are easy to access:
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