Reference no: EM13523690
True / False Questions
1. Performance appraisal ratings are subjective measures.
2. The research literature indicates a high correlation between subjective and objective measures of performance.
3. A correlation score of minus one between two sets of scores indicates an exceptionally low association or relationship between the two sets.
4. If the correlation coefficient between variables X and Y is .90, this means that the proportion of common variance shared by the two variables is ninety percent.
5. A correlation coefficient of 1.0 between variables X and Y indicates that there is a perfect linear relationship between these two variables.
6. The correlation coefficient does not measure the change in one variable caused by another variable.
7. While correlation is valuable as an indicator of the degree of association between variables, it is generally not used as a tool for prediction.
8. In staffing the scores of individuals are treated as if they were the attribute itself, rather than merely indicators of the attribute.
9. The consistency of measurement of an attribute refers to its validity.
10. Perfect reliability is virtually impossible to achieve because of the presence of measurement error.
11. Calculation of the test-retest reliability of scores between time periods is done for objective measures, not subjective measures.
12. Comparing scores of objective measures within the same time period is a measure of internal consistency.
13. If all the members of a panel interview reach the same conclusion regarding a person who is being interviewed, it could be said that the interview ratings are reliable.
14. Even when measurement error is present, scores can be measured with perfect precision.
15. Error caused by failing to measure a key aspect of the attribute of interest (i.e., the attribute we wish to measure), is known as contamination error.
16. Asking different questions of job applicants during comparisons of interview ratings between these same job applicants is an example of contamination error.
17. If an attribute of job performance is "planning and setting work priorities," and the raters fail to rate people on that dimension during their performance appraisal, then the performance measure is contaminated.
18. A measure with a coefficient alpha of .55 should generally be regarding as having adequate reliability.
19. The standard error of measurement is a useful indicator of how accurate actual scores of applicants are in assessing the scores of a given measure.
20. Reliability sets the lower limit on validity.
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Legal issues
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: If an attribute of job performance is "planning and setting work priorities," and the raters fail to rate people on that dimension during their performance appraisal, then the performance measure is contaminated.
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