Comparing criminal and international justice system

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Reference no: EM1333458

Part I:

Assuming that the statement above is true that both terms do not literally mean the same thing, how does international criminal justice system differ from comparative criminal justice system? Explain the differences between a comparative criminal justice system and international justice system and how they are applied. Provide a minimum of two differences and provide an explanation.

Part II:

Based on what you have learned thus far about comparative criminal justice, what influences do you see in the U.S. criminal justice system?

Reference no: EM1333458

Questions Cloud

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Comparing criminal and international justice system : How does international criminal justice system differ from comparative criminal justice system? Explain the differences between a comparative criminal justice system and international justice system.
Explain functions of human resource management : What are the functions of human resource management and What is the most important function of human resource management? Explain your answer and provide a workplace example to support your response.
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Goals of using the statistical method : What are the goals of using the statistical method? Explain how the method is important in the field of business statistics.


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