Comparing activity-on-node and activity-on-arrow

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Reference no: EM1340103

Discuss the role of PERT, CPM and Gantt based on the following action items:

1. Identify the purpose of each tool and circumstances for using each. Also consider whether these tools are individual methods that can be used independently or if they should ideally be used as a set.

2. Contrast and compare activity-on-node and activity-on-arrow (or activity-on-arc) diagramming techniques. What are the differences and similarities?

3. Propose and describe in text form a sample project that you would theoretically develop into a PERT diagram and Gantt chart. For example, "Building a car would consist of the following steps..."(briefly outline the steps as task statements). Postulate the critical path of your sample hypothetical project: what would be the critical path sequence?

Reference no: EM1340103

Questions Cloud

Reasons for united states entering into world war i : Why did the United States enter World War I? Can you please list reasons the United States entered World War I?
Explain the landrum-griffin act : Explain The Landrum-Griffin Act and Landrum-Grinnin Act for the union to adopt a rule that required all candidates for the union office to be proficient in both English and Spanish
Specify location and function of the centromere : Name the 3 types of chromosomes found in human cells based on the location of the centromere.
Utilizing productive efficiency as the guide which country : Utilizing productive efficiency as the guide, which country should produce Chevrolets and which should produce Toyotas.
Comparing activity-on-node and activity-on-arrow : Contrast and compare activity-on-node and activity-on-arrow (or activity-on-arc) diagramming techniques. What are the differences and similarities?
Current rate of inflation : Determine the  current rate of inflation.
Illustrate what is the gain for a nation that results : Illustrate what is the gain for a nation that results from specialization in the production of products for which there is a comparative advantage.
Sectional crisis of 1850s : Evaluate the causes of the sectional crisis of the 1850's. Could anything have been done to resolve the issues of the period? Explain.
Most nation are interdependent where trade is concern : Most nation are interdependent where trade is concern. We all depend on each other. Should America aim to be self sufficient in the production of goods and services, rather than depending on other countries for trade.


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