Comparing a films character and tv episodes character

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133489552

Question 1

Narrators are responsible for telling the action of the story. Unreliable narrators (typically first-person narrators) often have a twist or some sort of inability to be honest. This is true in film as well.

Write a 200-400 word discussion board post comparing a film's character, tv episode's character or story to the unreliable narrator in the reading ("The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe) for this lesson. A film example is The Usual Suspects, where the actual "bad guy" is the person everyone would least expect. Identify the 'unreliable' character and explain how it works and affects the text. Writers who use unreliable narrators tend to tell really interesting and engaging stories so this should be good!

Question 2

Write a thesis statement that could be used to lead a four-to-five-page fiction analysis essay over the narrator. Remember that a thesis statement is also a roadmap sentence, informing your reader of your intention and direction with the paper. For this thesis practice, consider this week's assigned story's ("The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe) use of narration. Write a thesis statement that includes: (1) the author's name, (2) the story's title, and (3) an arguable, supportable claim regarding the narration of the story. Your claim should emphasize how the narrative structure create or reinforce meaning in the story (what purpose does it serve?). Does the story have an reliable/unreliable narrator? How do you know (how will you support yourself)? For example:

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado" allows the reader to taste madness through an unreliable narrator and a setting that increases in confinement.

Question 3

This week you read "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings". I want you to find a scholarly article that does a really good job of analyzing the story.

Read the article and do an "active reading". This is the act of underlining or highlighting important concepts, marking the thesis and topic sentences, circling any unfamiliar words and defining them in the margin, etc., that you think are interesting, or that make good points. It's okay if you don't understand everything in the entire article - literary criticism can be challenging to read! Focus on the points that you do understand.
Find the author's point, or thesis, in the article. What are they saying about the topic? How are they contributing to the overall discussion?
To Submit your assignment: share your reading notes AND a bibliography entry for the article you found.

Question 4

Choose one of the stories ("The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
"The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin)

that we read this week and complete a 400-600 words reader response. Re-read the story with one of the critical lenses learnt. In your reader response, you must show how this reading works in the story. Remember, reader responses are truly your response to this story and the different ways that it can be interpreted. It is your opinion, but it still needs to be written in a professional manner.

Question 5

Complete and submit a fiction analysis essay according to the assignment specifications
Literary Analysis Essay Prompt

In a 1,000-1,250 (4-5 page) fiction response essay, respond to the following prompt. Your essay should be in MLA format, make use of support from the story or stories chosen (using quotation, summary and/or paraphrase) and should include citations in-text and on a Works Cited page.

Remember to avoid summarizing a story - instead, focus on answering the question(s) and explaining why the quotes and passages you've chosen are significant. You do not need to consult research or outside sources for this paper. Be sure to avoid plagiarism!

Prompt: Write an essay examining how a text (short story or poem) of your choosing makes a statement about a social issue (class, race, gender, ageism, cultural identity). What claim does the story seem to be making? How does it use literary devices to illustrate its point? Is the text speaking to a specific audience or society? How does the text show this?

Remember: Use professional writing. Do not use personal pronouns like "you", "us", "our", etc. Instead, use "individuals" or "society".

Reference no: EM133489552

Questions Cloud

Locate 2-3 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles about using : Locate 2-3 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles about using technology with adult learners and/or online learning and adult learners.
Discuss the key issues involved with counseling : Discuss the key issues involved with counseling a premarital couple in sexual intimacy when the woman has reported that her sexual abuse history has her fearful
How does impact therapeutic relationship in counseling : How does the age of a therapist impact the therapeutic relationship in counseling. Please provide references.
What success did the bail reform act : What success did the bail reform act of 1966 achieved? (It would be better if there is any quantitative result.) What flaws it has?
Comparing a films character and tv episodes character : Write a thesis statement that could be used to lead a four-to-five-page fiction analysis essay over the narrator. Remember that a thesis statement
How to present an effective presentation : how to present an effective presentation. Your audience ages are anywhere from 20-60 years of age, with various business backgrounds, military experience
Which of these models do you think best explains the link : Which of these models do you think best explains the link between joining a gang and subsequent criminal offending? Explain WHY using concepts from our reading.
How thought might offer insight into a moral dilemma : Explain how postformal thought might offer insight into a moral dilemma such as protecting a young adult's right to privacy regarding their medical information.
How did the authors find the people they interviewed : How did the authors find the people they interviewed? And WHY do you think anyone would agree to an interview like this with someone they did not even know?


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