Compared with hunting and gathering band-level societies

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Reference no: EM13171482

Compared with hunting and gathering band-level societies, tribal societies are:

A) smaller and more highly mobile across broad regions

B) larger, more sedentary, and have fairly well defined territories

C) smaller, less mobile, and have less political integration

D) larger, but with poorly defined territories

Reference no: EM13171482

Questions Cloud

Hunter and gatherer evokes for anthropologists a society : The term "hunter and gatherer" evokes for anthropologists a society:
Defined norms of a society : Clearly defined norms of a society that, when violated, provide punishment through the application of formal sanctions by ruling authority are called:
Original affluent society : The phrase "original affluent society" refers to
Great danger to hunting and gathering societies : A great danger to hunting and gathering societies is- the forces of nature, including storms and droughts. growing more food than they can carry. warfare.
Compared with hunting and gathering band-level societies : Compared with hunting and gathering band-level societies, tribal societies.
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