Compare your selected theory with other theories

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Reference no: EM132369363

Assignment - Integrating the Theory Into Professional Practice

Overview - To excel in their practice, social workers needs to understand a variety of theoretical frames for differing scenarios they will encounter as professionals. Social workers also need to understand techniques for applying theory to their practice. This assignment gives you the opportunity to analyze a theory in a scholarly paper and create a presentation that puts that theory into a larger context.

By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following EPAs and practice behaviors:

C4.GP.B. Apply critical thinking to engage in analysis of quantitative and qualitative research methods and research findings.

C6.GP.A; C7.GP.B; C8.GP.B; C9.GP.B. (Engage) (Assess) (Intervene) (Evaluate). Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person-in-environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks with clients and constituencies.

Assignment Description - For this final assignment, which is also your final course project, write a scholarly paper and create a PowerPoint presentation including the components identified in the instructions below.

Assignment Instructions - For this assignment:

Discuss why the theory, chosen for the assignment in Unit 5, is useful to you in your social work practice.

Compare and contrast your selected theory with at least two other theories, explaining why the theory you selected is a better fit for your practice.

Explain how theory guides social work practice, including the areas of assessment, intervention, and evaluation.

Integrate research-based knowledge and practice wisdom to support your project.

Using the content of your Unit 5 assignment, your chosen case study, and selected theory, create a PowerPoint presentation that presents a comparison of your theory with at least two other theories in the context of applicability to your chosen case study.

Explain your reasoning using multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge, and practice wisdom.

Submit both the paper and presentation in the assignment area.

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
  • Length of paper: A minimum of four double-spaced pages.
  • Presentation requirements: 8-10 slides with correct formatting.

These are the theories to choose from: You can choose from:

  • Bowlby: Attachment
  • Bandura: Social Learning
  • Bronfenbrenner: Ecological Systems
  • Erikson: Developmental Crises & Tasks
  • Freud: Psychological Stages
  • Kohlberg: Moral Development
  • Maslow: Hierarchy of Needs
  • Pavlov: Classical Conditioning
  • Skinner: Operant Conditioning
  • Piaget: Cognitive Development
  • Vygotsky : Sociocultural Development

Chose Levi as my case studies:

Main Content Levi's Case Levi is a 35-year-old man who is HIV positive. He works as an auto mechanic. Since learning that he was HIV positive 10 years ago, Levi has been on medications that have stopped the progression to AIDS, and Levi is fairly healthy. However, the emotional toll has been much more serious. Levi has withdrawn from most social interactions. He has not told anyone in his family, and has fallen away from most of his friends. He has been able to obtain a variety of medications for anxiety, and often takes more than the prescribed dosage. In addition, he has had a cocaine habit that he views as his one area of excitement in life. His pattern of use is on weekends, or sometimes as a pick-me-up to get to work. He tends to use the anti-anxiety medications in the evening to help him relax and sleep. He sees his life slipping away in what has come to feel like an increasingly empty lifestyle. He calls a counselor to talk about his problems.

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This case analysis is done for the case of an HIV positive patient whose age is 35 and he is suffering from the after effects of the disease.Levi has hidden all the matter from his family. The case analysis includes the “Developmental crisis and tasks theory”, for finding the solution of how to control the stress of Levi.He is depressed and alone and he has started taking cocaine.The theory has seven stages and Levi is at 6th stage of development which is “Intimacy v/s Isolation”.Thus, Levi needs social gatherings and affection from family to get rid of the stress.And if it is not solved, several issues can take place.

Reference no: EM132369363

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9/11/2019 12:22:38 AM

Aassignment should meet the following requirements: Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards. Cited resources: A minimum of three scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years. Length of paper: A minimum of four double-spaced pages. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Presentation requirements: 8-10 slides with correct formatting. Due date: Submit your assignment no later than Friday of this unit.

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