Compare your professional nursing experience with magnet

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Reference no: EM132370577

Assignment: Use the Walden Library to research the impact of nursing on healthcare quality as viewed through the Magnet professional practice model. Select one current (published within the last 5 years) research article on this topic to address. This week's Library Learning Resources will guide you through your database search.

Article Response Assignment

Write a one-page summary and response to the article that you selected from the Walden Library. A template is provided in the Learning Resources to guide you in formatting your paper.

As you reflect on the findings in your chosen article, consider how the findings compare to your own professional nursing experience with Magnet, or, if you have no personal experience with Magnet, your thoughts concerning Magnet:

Paraphrase and integrate information from the article into paper.

Include an introduction, body, and a summary (conclusion).

Consider factors or principles from the article that hold true for or resonate with you.

Utilize this week's Writing Center Course Resources to guide you through the process of paraphrasing and referencing evidence from your article.

Reference no: EM132370577

Questions Cloud

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Calculate emblems gross profit ratio : Calculate Emblems' gross profit ratio. 2. Explain why Emblems should or should not lower its selling price.
Compare your professional nursing experience with magnet : As you reflect on the findings in your chosen article, consider how the findings compare to your own professional nursing experience with Magnet.
Which healthcare technology trends are most promising : Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described. Then, describe at least one.
Business management for a persuasive essay : What would be a good topic to cover in business management for a persuasive essay?
Explaining the improvement to outcomes and lessons : Nurse informaticists and healthcare leaders formulate clinical system strategies. As these strategies are often based on technology trends, informaticists.
What is the relationship between scm : What is the relationship between SCM, marketing, and operations? What activities require coordination between these three areas of a firm?


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