Compare using link labeles method

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131076098



Just to make labels and scores for original graph and its done once for the comparison reasons

G.O<- read.graph("dolphins.gml",format = c("gml")) G.O is the original graph "network"

ResourceAllocationFunction <- matrix(0, nrow = length(V(G.O)), ncol = length(V(G.O)))

source('ResourceAllocation Function.R')

for(i in 1:length(V(G.O))){
for(j in 1:length(V(G.O))){

ResourceAllocationFunction[i,j] <-Resource.Allocation(G.O,i,j)


Create an edgelist

G.O.Simplfied <- simplify(G.O, remove.multiple = T, remove.loops = T )

G.O.edgeList <- get.edgelist(G.O.Simplfied)

N <- length(V(G.O)) #number of nodes for original graph

L <- nrow(G.O.edgeList) #number of links..original graph num.of.allpossibleLinks <- N *(N-1)/2

ScoresOfexistent.G.O <- NULL

for(i in 1:(N-1)) {
for(j in (i+1):N) { if(i>j)
{temp <- j j <- i
i<- temp}
l <- (i-1)*N-i*(1+i)/2 + j #l is the link label

ScoresOfexistent.G.O <- rbind(ScoresOfexistent.G.O,c(l, ResourceAllocationFunction [i,j],i,j))
GO.Labels <- NULL #for original graph
GO.Labels <- c(GO.Labels ,ScoresOfexistent.G.O[,1])#original

Select randomly 10% of the links, without repetitions

num <- round(0.1* NROW(G.O.edgeList))

MySeq <-seq(from=1 , to=length(G.O.edgeList)/2)

p <- NULL

Labes.ScoresExp2 <- list() #for thr Gr

ScoresOfNonexistentExp2 <- list() GTopNList <- list()

for(x in 1:1000){
Lc <- 0 #for jaccrd

Mysample <- NULL
Mysample <- sample(MySeq,num,replace =FALSE)

GraphSample <- MySeq[- Mysample] #the same as the original edgelist but with 10% of the links removed but its not an edgelist its integer (but its only a sequence of numbers)
res <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(GraphSample)){
res<-rbind(res, G.O.edgeList[GraphSample[i],])}
GR <- graph.edgelist(res,directed=FALSE)#the same as GraphSample but converted into a graph

#GR.Simplified <- simplify(GR, remove.multiple = T, remove.loops = T )
#GR.edgelist <- get.edgelist(GR.Simplified)

#2- Get the GR scores#################################################

GR.Scores<- matrix(0, nrow = length(V(GR)), ncol = length(V(GR))) for(i in 1:N){

for(j in 1:N){

GR.Scores[i,j] <- Resource.Allocation(GR,i,j) #scores for the removed graph GR that has 10% of links removed.


#3- refine the Removed graph to take only edges that don't exist (missing and nonexistent) with there link labels############

ScoresOfNonexistent <- NULL

for(i in 1:(N-1)) {
for(j in (i+1):N) {

{temp <- j j <- i
i<- temp}
l <- (i-1)*N-i*(1+i)/2 + j

if(GR[i,j]== 0){
ScoresOfNonexistent <- rbind(ScoresOfNonexistent,c(l,GR.Scores[i,j]))

#4-sort or order the GR scores only for links that don't exist o.J<-NULL

o.J <- order(ScoresOfNonexistent[ , 2] , decreasing=TRUE)

ScoresOfNonexistent <- ScoresOfNonexistent[o.J,]###ordered scores

#4-take the top N scores and add them to GR (N is 10% of the existing links = num)

Labels.Of.GTopN <- NULL for(a in 1:num){

Labels.Of.GTopN <- rbind( Labels.Of.GTopN,ScoresOfNonexistent[a,])


#5- compare using link labeles method##############################################

GTopNLabels <- NULL comparison <- NULL

GTopNLabels <- c(GTopNLabels,Labels.Of.GTopN[,1]) comparison <- GTopNLabels %in% GO.Labels
Lc<- length(comparison[comparison==TRUE]) #number of top scored links that were predicted correctly

pr <- Lc/num #compute precision
p <-c(p,pr) #vector <- c(vector, v) vector of precesion for each iteration

}#end of for loop

histinfo.p <- hist(p,main="Histogram of precision in experiment 2 using Resource Allocation scores/Dolphins ",xlab="precision",border="blue", col="grey",xlim=c(0,1),las=1,breaks=5,prob =TRUE)

hist(p,main="Histogram of precision in experiment 2 using Resource Allocation scores",xlab="precision",border="blue", col="grey",xlim=c(0,1),breaks=5)

RandomScore <- function(g,i,j){

RandomScoreFunction <- runif(1,min = 0, max = 1)



Reference no: EM131076098

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