Compare three products oracle, sql server & access

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13930569

The document should be written in research paper format.

I Oracle Corporation

A. Major products

1. Product 1

2. Product 2

3. Product 3

B. Major competitors

1. Competitor 1

2. Competitor 2

3. Competitor 3

C. How successful are they?

1. Annual revenue

2. Reputation

II Compare and contrast the three products (Oracle, SQL Server & Access).

A. Important feature - performance

1. Why is performance important

2. Oracle

3. MS SQL Server

4. Access

B. Important feature - price

1. Why is price important

2. Oracle

3. MS SQL Server

4. Access

C. Important feature - scalability

1. What is scalability and why is it important

2. Oracle

3. MS SQL Server

4. Access

D. Important feature - security

1. Why is security important

2. Oracle

3. MS SQL Server

E: Why would a company choose one over another?


Reference no: EM13930569

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