Compare the working and spatial memory by EEG

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132119479 , Length: word count:1600

Medical and Applied Physiology Experimental Report Assignment -

Title - Compare the working and spatial memory by EEG.

30 students were tested (2 memory games were played to test their memory - a card game and a number game). Results are attached and Word limit- 1500 -1600.

Instructions -

Cover/Title page: Include a brief title.

Abstract: Should be 150 words maximum. This should provide a summary of your research.

Introduction: Review of the literature and research applications in your chosen area of experiment. Do not just discuss the physiological measurement technique only. References must be used in this section- these must include journal references.

Experimental aims and hypotheses: To be reported.

Methods: Experimental design and procedures and equipment and materials used, provide sufficient details so that person reading can replicate the experiment.

Results: Report and describe the results collected. You may also use tables and figures or other ways of representing the data. Do not present the same data using more than one method, for example do not present the same data both in a table and as a graph. Each table and figure should be followed by an in-text explanation after each in the results section.

Discussion/Future Directions and Conclusions: Provide a discussion of your results by comparing/contrasting the results/findings you expected to that reported in the literature. Discuss limitations in your experiments/methods and limitations and strengths in other reviewed studies. Discuss future directions arising from the findings in the literature and your study. Provide a short paragraph on conclusions. References must be used- include mainly journal references. You should refer to at least 10-15 references or more in this section.

References: Format Harvard (cite at least 15 journal references or more in your area of research). Include mainly journal references and keep website and text book references to a minimum. Cite references especially in the introduction and discussion sections. Both in-text citation and reference list (at the end of the report) should be accurate.

Initiative and innovative ability - Some marks will also be allocated for demonstrating the ability to write concisely and creatively, demonstrating capacity for self-work and independent thinking in this experimental write-up. Ability to apply critical analysis and thinking when writing the assignment. Ability to apply scientific skills and interpretation in unfamiliar or new areas (such as the area of your experiment).

Some hints -

In your discussion:

Compare and contrast your results to the findings in the literature

Note limitations in your experiment/such as:

  • Noise in the environment and signal
  • Lack of subject numbers tested
  • Uncontrolled experimental environment, etc.

Discuss any lack of information in the literature, confounding results in the literature, strengths in the studies reported in the literature, etc.

Future directions and conclusion: For future directions discuss how the experiment can be improved, what new studies can be performed in the area.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132119479

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Compare the working and spatial memory by EEG : Medical and Applied Physiology Experimental Report Assignment - Title - Compare the working and spatial memory by EEG. Review of the literature
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9/22/2018 1:49:33 AM

Word Count: 1500. Title: Compare the working and spatial memory by EEG. 30 students were tested (2 memory games were played to test their memory _ a card game and a number game). Results are attached. Word limit- 1500 -1600. Please start from the introduction part. (don't include abstract). Use journal articles as reference. An electronic version of the assignment is to be submitted via Turnitin using UTS Online. Details will be announced during the semester. DO NOT submit your assignment to lecturers or tutors directly.


9/22/2018 1:49:25 AM

Note and adhere to all UTS rules regarding plagiarism and copyright issues for the writing and submission of your assignment. Assignment Format - Use Times New Roman 12 point font. Line spacing: 1.5. Cover page MUST contain your name, student number, title of assignment and group number. It should also contain the total word count (excluding reference list) and your signature. A template of the cover page will be made available via UTS online. Future directions and conclusion: For future directions discuss how the experiment can be improved, what new studies can be performed in the area. Failure to follow instructions can lead to delays in marks being finalised.

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