Compare the umayyad caliphate and the abbasid caliphate

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Reference no: EM13845214

Part A-

1) Judaism:
A) has had a role in history that is disproportionate to the number of its followers.
B) is basically a polytheistic religion.
C) began when Adam made a pact with God that Adam's descendants would always worship God.
D) once contained nearly one-fifth of the world population.

2) The Torah:
A) was written just before the birth of Christ.
B) is notable for its absence of miracles.
C) begins with the exodus of the Jews from Egypt.
D) has changed little since it was written.

3) Which of the following was NOT a principal belief that came from the early scriptures of Judaism?
A) several dispersed homelands for Jews
B) God demands obedience
C) a legal code to shape behavior
D) Jews as a community blessed by God

4) Jesus Christ:
A) was considered a threat by the Roman government.
B) aimed his message at the middle class.
C) sought support from Jewish religious authorities.
D) was crucified when he was about 50 years old.

5) Paul:
A) opposed slavery in both principle and practice.
B) was Jesus' most devoted disciple in the years prior to Jesus' death.
C) felt that married clergy were closer to God than single clergy.
D) sought to subordinate women in the church.

6) Emperor Constantine:
A) failed in his effort to convert his mother to Christianity.
B) gave equal treatment to all religions practiced within his empire.
C) had a vision that helped convert him to Christianity.
D) never managed to gain control of the western portions of the Roman empire.

7) Emperor Theodosius:
A) gave special privileges to Jews.
B) was overthrown by Constantine.
C) practiced religious tolerance.
D) made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

8) Monasteries:
A) tended to be complex political organizations.
B) usually contained members who were celibate.
C) were, after the Council of Nicea, exclusively for men.
D) were often located in urban areas.

9) From 600 C.E. to 1100 C.E., the most fundamental institution in Europe for maintaining order and character was:
A) the church.
B) the guilds.
C) the aristocracy.
D) the monarchy.

10) Mu'awiya:
A) was amateurish in his administration of the empire.
B) was appointed to his post by Muhammad.
C) moved the capital from Arabia to Baghdad.
D) was the first caliph of the Umayyad dynasty.

11) The Abbasid caliphate:
A) were overthrown by the Umayyads.
B) sought to convert non-Muslims to Islam.
C) relocated the capital to Damascus in Syria.
D) instituted Persian as the official language of the empire.

12) Which of the following regions had NOT yet been conquered by Islam in 650 C.E.?
A) Oman
B) Spain
C) Egypt
D) Libya

13) Many of the major agricultural exchanges that helped the Islamic world came from:
A) coastal eastern Africa.
B) India.
C) sub-Saharan Africa.
D) the Fertile Crescent.

14) Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazzali:
A) had completed his most important work by the time he was in his early twenties.
B) saw intellect as one stage of human development.
C) refused to be involved with formal educational institutions.
D) felt that rationality was the way to God.

15) Muslim rule in Spain:
A) was characterized by suppression of Christianity and Judaism.
B) extended for nearly 100 years after the rule of Ferdinand and Isabella.
C) revitalized trade in the western Mediterranean.
D) was tightly controlled by the Abbasid caliph.

16) Which of the following were networks of interconnected commercial communities throughout Africa, Europe and Asia?
A) market centers
B) trade diasporas
C) trade associations
D) commercial complexes

17) Of the following regions, which had the least extensive network of trade routes in 1450?
A) Europe
B) the Middle East
C) southern Asia
D) North America

18) After the ninth century, Arabs provided the main trading link between East Africa and:
A) the Americas.
B) West Africa.
C) the Europe.
D) the Indian Ocean.

19) Prior to 1200, the Mongols:
A) were primarily farmers.
B) were divided into several warring tribes.
C) were never united prior to the time of Genghis Khan.
D) prohibited the silk trade.

20) Chinggis and his successors were NOT able to conquer:
A) China.
B) Russia.
C) Japan.
D) Baghdad.

21) Permanent contact between Europe and the Americas did NOT occur until:
A) 870 C.E.
B) 1533 C.E.
C) 1000 C.E.
D) 1492 C.E.

22) Which of the following occurred first?
A) Great Chinese naval expeditions to Africa and India
B) Normans invaded England
C) Magellen's circumnavigation of the globe
D) Bubonic Plague in Europe

23) Which of the following was NOT the emphasis of most early universities?
A) theology
B) legal studies
C) military history
D) medicine

24) During the Renaissance, European artists began to utilize which of the following in their paintings?
A) perspective
B) Arabic themes
C) Asian themes
D) acrylic paint

25) As expressed in Aquinas' Summa Theologica, the Church began to modify its traditional opposition towards:
A) business and businessmen.
B) Muslims.
C) women.
D) Jews.

Part B-

1) Compare and contrast the Umayyad caliphate and the Abbasid caliphate in regards to the following: imperial expansion and/or contraction, nature of rule, treatment of non-Muslims, and method of demise.

2) Discuss and analyze the impact of the decline of the Tang dynasty on international trade.

3) Explain the impact of humanism on Christian beliefs in the fifteenth century.

Reference no: EM13845214

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