Reference no: EM133373586
1. What would be the best way to determine the volume (space) the asteroid took up?
Compare the two masses of the asteroid/Earth
Use the density of a known meteorite
Combine the masses and a diameter of a smaller meteorite.
2. What was the volume of the asteroid? _____________
3. Take average amount of _________________and the thickness of the _______________ layer will tell you how many grams of iridium.
4. What is the average concentration of iridium from sites around the world? _____________
5. How many km wide do you think the crater we are looking for might be? __________________
6. How many species of forams do we see in the layers before 66 mya? ____________________How many after? ___________________
7. 15 km away in Spain, Juan Smith was looking at a similar ____________ (rock type) outcrop along the coast.
8. The base of the Tertiary consists of a dark grey ___________ layer. Food chains in the oceans ______________ and everything at that boundary was wiped out.
9. How many dozen species were present below the boundary?
10. How long did the clay layer take to form?
11. 30x more _____________was found in the clay layer than the surrounding rock, meaning that something usually happened at the boundary.
12. An asteroid 10 km in diameter as large as ______________ hit the Earth.
13. At the impact of the asteroid would be equivalent to __________ nuclear bombs exploding at once.