Compare the three common network model standards

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Reference no: EM131958716 , Length: word count:1000

Networking Fundamentals Assignment- Network basics

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) - This assignment assesses the basic concepts of networking; students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in the following unit learning outcomes:

a. Explain the principles of networking protocols and standards;

b. Identify reference models and layered architectures in networking;

Assignment Description -

There is a company which is primarily e-commerce business. It is going through a major transformation because of its expansion. The expansion is due to merger of two smaller businesses to the organisation. Now, the company is moving to a new building having about 100 employees. The new building is of three floors. The ground floor is for reception, foyer and warehouse so there is a need of five data points at reception, four in warehouse and two in foyer. The 1st floor consists of five offices and forty open plan office cubicles. The 2nd floor consists of three rooms, each room have four office cubicles, two offices and thirty open plan cubicles. There is also a meeting room at 2nd floor that requires four data points. Each and every person needs two data points at their desk whether it's an office, room cubicle or open plan cubicle. Each floor also needs wireless connectivity.

Tasks - This Company needs a new LAN plan, design and implementation before they move to new facility. Imagine that you have been hired by this company to design and install a computer network. Write a report that answers the following questions.

Your report should include a brief introduction.

All work by others should be properly cited using the IEEE style of referencing.

1. The owner of the company has some concerns with regards to the interoperability of the manufacturing equipment on the network considering that different manufacturers made them.

  • Discuss how network standards such as the OSI help to ensure interoperability between products made by different manufacturers.
  • Compare the three common network model standards (OSI, the DoD, and the TCP/IP).
  • Use diagrams to compare the three network models.

2. Compare the appropriateness of each of the following media types for this scenario: twisted pair cable, Coaxial, fibre optic, and wireless.

  • Which media type should you use to wire the network and why? (use the media selection criteria discussed in lecture)

3. The company is further expected to run an application that will transmit data records to a backup site in a nearby suburb. The data records are 1000 bytes in length, and the application will send one record every 0.25 seconds.

  • Will it be more efficient to use a synchronous connection or an asynchronous connection?
  • What transmission line speed is necessary to support either type of connection? Show all your work.

Reference no: EM131958716

Questions Cloud

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Compare the three common network model standards : BN106 Networking Fundamentals Assignment- Network basics. Compare the three common network model standards (OSI, the DoD, and the TCP/IP)
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Calculate the heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter : calculate the heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter. Make sure you enter kJ/C for your unit behind the number.
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Calculate the specific heat capacity of nickel : Calculate the specific heat capacity of nickel from these experimental data, assuming that no heat escapes to the surroundings or is transferred



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Total 1000 words. Submission Guidelines - All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.


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Answers to Q1 - Provides a concise discussion of the role of standards in ensuring interoperability of products by different manufacturers, Provides a comparison between the three examples of standards, Uses diagrams to demonstrate the two examples. Answers to Q2 - Compares the advantages and disadvantages of using each media type. Uses media selection criteria to decide the appropriate media for the network. Answers to Q3 - Gives convincing evidence on why the selected mode of connection is more efficient, Transmission line speed is clearly stated and Working to calculate transmission line speed is provided. Reference style - Follow IEEE reference style.


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Evaluation - Explain the use of the technique. Explanation - Description/explain how to use the technique. Report structure - Inadequate structure, careless presentation, poor writing. Reference style (IEEE) - Proper referencing if required. Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments. All elements are present and well integrated. Clear styles with excellent source of references. Proper writing. Professionally presented.

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