Compare the roman world under the republic with roman world

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133568160

Discussion Post: Ancient Rome

In at least 300 words, answer the following question:

Focusing on three of the four themes of governments, religion, social class, or gender roles, compare the Roman world under the republic with the Roman world under the emperors (beginning with Augustus and the emperors after him) to explain whether the Roman world was better off under the republic or under emperors. Explain your answer.

Suggestion for formulating a clear answer: Instead of describing the Roman Republic and Rome under the emperors separately, you should compare the Roman Republic and Rome under the emperors in terms of the three of the four course themes in order to arrive at your conclusion about whether the Roman world was better off under the emperors or under the republic. You could first compare government under the republic and under the emperors, explaining whether the Roman world was better off under the republican government or the emperors, and then you should do the same for two of the other course themes. Then based on your conclusions about the government, social classes, and gender roles under the republic and the emperors, state your general conclusion about whether the Roman world was better off under the emperors or under the republic.

Reference no: EM133568160

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