Compare the pax-mongolia and the age of exploration

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133689628


PT3 Essay

This section requires that you write an essay tackling one of the issues below. You will choose ONE. Your essay has a maximum page limit of three pages. This is at 12 point font, double spaced. (slightly over is okay); given the topics and how you must write this essay, you 100% should be closer to the maximum then you are far from it! I.E Don't omit something if it is relevent and you have room for it! The essay asks you to cite either a primary source, or secondary source (ideally both!) for full credit. You may do this in any fashion, be it an actual citation (in any format) or by saying, "IN X +page number" or some variation of that. I am very slack when it comes to how you do it, but you must do it. This must be visible in the text! If you are unclear on the difference between primary and secondary sources email me now. Remember you are not to use outside information - but if you decide to ignore this - it must be cited!

You will be graded on clarity, the strength of argument, usage of material. Given that this is an open book, I do not want you to go online for information. If for some reason you go outside the class for information cite it or you will be failed.

1. Over the last few weeks, you have seen a great deal of "globalization" or an increasing trend toward human connection, trade, and exchange. This essay asks you to compare and contrast: The Pax-Mongolia, and The Age of Exploration and argue for one's importance over the other. Which one do you think is more significant for the course of human events? Why? Defend your position with examples while providing the needed grounding.

2. We have dealt with the nascent stages of colonialism and the interactions of heretofore untouched (by Europeans) lands. How would you compare the experience of West African and New World Peoples (Here the Aztecs)? How did both groups handle these interactions? What were some of the outcomes of these exchanges? Who would you say fared better? Why?

3 Though your evidence is so far limited. At the start of class I described some of the many thinkers who argued that "Europe" was a unique case in history, culturally, and otherwise. Based on the lectures so far (including possibly your optional lectures!) what examples might you draw on to push back against some of these ideas? Give specific examples from your lectures/primary sources. To articulate why orientalism, or Weberian thought is seemingly flawed based on the evidence you have at hand. Or, do you perhaps think these arguments have merit based on what we have covered so far? If so, using your sources and the lecture explain why. (If you go this second route, which I doubt many/any of you will: Ignore that I made it clear that I think these arguments are not great. I am not the brain police you are judged by how well you make your case not how valid I think your case actually is).

Reference no: EM133689628

Questions Cloud

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Why is the crematorium made appealing : Brave New World Ch 5 Describe the Slough Crematorium. How and why is the crematorium made appealing?
How can the concepts from the article be incorporated : How can the concepts from the article be incorporated into meetings in order to lead your organization to become an earning organization?
Compare the pax-mongolia and the age of exploration : This essay asks you to compare and contrast: The Pax-Mongolia, and The Age of Exploration and argue for one's importance over the other.
Report of decreased fetal movement : Client is a primigravida who presents with report of decreased fetal movement and new onset of a small amount of dark red vaginal bleeding.
Describe methodological approach and research model aligned : Methodological Approach- Describe the methodological approach and research model aligned within the methodological approach.
The physician orders a throat culture-sputum culture : The physician orders a throat culture, sputum culture, and an injection of ceftriaxone (Rocephin) for a patient with a sore throat.
How would you stay current on emerging technologies : How would you stay current on emerging technologies that may have potential for improving public sector services?


Write a Review

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