Reference no: EM13815430
History Questions.
Part I-
COMPARE, CONTRAST AND PLACE IN HISTORICAL CONTEXT FIVE PAIRS for the following pairing of terms. While you will also be defining the terms, these answers will mainly test your depth of understanding by your discussion of differences and/or similarities. Your answers MUST show an understanding of the textbook, NOT quick searches from the net. If your answer does not reflect specific knowledge from the text, will identify your online source etc. and you will NOT get credit. Online course content comes from readings, not lectures (if you also want to add relevant material from the videos to supplement your reading of Goldfield, The American Journey, feel free to do so but the textbook comes first). By "place in context," I mean briefly discuss what conditions produced the conditions or circumstances that the pair of terms describe and why this is significant to understanding the period in which they happened.
Part II-
In a well-organized and factually supported essay, answer one of the two following questions. Generalities without specific examples to support your points will be penalized. Cite specifics to support your answer:
While you will not know the exact question until you take the midterm, the topics for the final are as follows:
Topic for Question 1-
Origins and Nature of Regional Diversity in Colonial America (including the Caribbean)-ethnicity, economics, agriculture, and society.
Topic for Question 2-
Rivalry between Britain and other Colonial powers in shaping the development of colonial British America and the lives of colonists, from the late 1500s through the American Revolution.