Compare the habitual decision-making process

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131689946

1. Compare the habitual decision- making process and the extended problem - solving process. Give an example of when a consumer might use each in the consumer decision - making process. Lastly, which route to persuasion using the ELM is consistent with habituatl decisoin making and extended problem? solving? Explain.

2. What is a? product? Specifically list the three components of the product. ? Also, describe each of the following types of? products, Durable,? Non-durable, convenience,? shopping, and unsought products.

3. Economic and demographic data compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau are available at little or no cost. In the terms of a marketing information? system, what type of data is? this? Give 3 reasons why this is a good source of data.

Reference no: EM131689946

Questions Cloud

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Compare the habitual decision-making process : Compare the habitual decision- making process and the extended problem - solving process.
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