Compare the file information with the survey

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132222519

Assignment -

Access the attached dataset (Munro.sav). Open the data file using SPSS and explore the data. Do the following exercises -

1. Access the data set called MUNR004.SAV, which contains data collected using the survey form contained in Appendix G. Either bring it into SPSS or convert it into a file for SAS or whatever software you are using. Print the dictionary, which contains a list of the variables, formats, and labels. In most versions of SPSS for Windows, this is done by clicking on Utilities, and then on File Info. Once the file is in the output screen, it can be printed from the File menu.

2. Compare the file information with the survey form in Appendix G. Note that the variable names have been selected to reflect each variable, making it easy to recognize them when working with the file. Variable labels and value labels hay been added to enhance the output. Look for any discrepancies between the survey form and the file information.

3. Produce charts/graphs. Many options are available for producing charts in statistical software programs. They may be produced within specific techniques and in separate graphics sections. We will confine ourselves to requesting graphics that are available with the specific techniques. The following can be requested as part of the output from frequencies in most software programs. Within the frequencies program, request a bar graph for GENDER, a histogram for SATCURWT, and histogram with a polygon (normal curve) for SATCURWT.

Textbook - MUNRO'S Statistical Methods for Health Care Research, SIXTH EDITION by Stacey B. Plichta and Elizabeth A. Kelvin.

Chapter 2 - Organizing Displaying, and Describing Data.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132222519

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Compare the file information with the survey : Open the data file using SPSS and explore the data. Compare the file information with the survey form in Appendix G
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1/24/2019 10:48:13 PM

Instructions: I have attached the assignment instructions and assignment rubric below. The interpretation of statistical analysis mentioned in the rubric is required to be a write-up in APA format. I have already done the SPSS output portion of the assignment. Access the dataset provided in Module I in Canvas (Munro.sav). Open the data file using SPSS and explore the data. Do exercises 1-3 on page 60 in Munro 6th edition Ch 2. Upload your output.


1/24/2019 10:48:08 PM

Statistical Analysis - Proper use of descriptive and/or inferential statistics with appropriate SPSS output. Provides a complete and thorough statistical analysis. Variable Selection - Chosen variables are correct and use appropriate units of measurement. Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of levels of measurement relevant to the statistical tests run. Demonstrates an understanding of the statistical analysis Interpretation of statistical analysis is accurate and appropriately stated. Response shows clear and thorough understanding of the statistical test reflected in the written interpretation. APA format for reporting statistics and interpretation with correct spelling, and grammar. Excellent command of language, proper use of grammar/writing conventions, few to no misspelled words, correct word choice, excellent variety and complexity of sentence structure. Good use of proper APA format.

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Accepting Manipulation or Manipulating

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