Compare the balance with the general ledger

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13886141

The following are audit procedures from different transaction cycles:

1. Examine sales invoices for evidence of internal verification of prices, quantities, and extensions.
2. Select items from the client's perpetual inventory records and examine the items in the company's warehouse.
3. Use audit software to foot and cross-foot the cash disbursements journal and trace the balance to the general ledger.
4. Select a sample of entries in the acquisitions journal and trace each one to a related vendor's invoice to determine whether one exists.
5. Examine documentation for acquisition transactions before and after the balance sheet date to determine whether they are recorded in the proper period.
6. Inquire of the credit manager whether each account receivable on the aged trial balance is collectible.
7. Compute inventory turnover for each major product and compare with previous years.
8. Confirm a sample of notes payable balances, interest rates, and collateral with lenders.
9. Use audit software to foot the accounts receivable trial balance and compare the balance with the general ledger.

Reference no: EM13886141

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