Compare the accuracy of your decoder

Assignment Help Simulation in MATLAB
Reference no: EM132225062

Final Project: Decoding contest

The goal of this project is for you to use some creativity to develop your own decoding algorithm to predict the target to which the animal will reach using simultaneous single unit recordings from MI and PMd. Specifically, you will decode the movement direction using the instruction cue time rather than the go cue time. This center-out task has an instructed delay, which means that from the onset of the instruction cue time to at least one second afterwards, the target is visible but the subject does not move to it. Motor areas display activity during instructed delays, presumably due to motor planning, but the activity is not exactly the same as during actual movement. For example, in examples below, the firing rate is modulated on a faster time scale than is what is usually seen during executed movement.

You are free to use any decoder you can implement from the literature or from your own head. You can modify the decoding algorithms that were discussed in lab VI. You can use data from either MI, PMd, or both, and you can use as many or as few neurons as you want. First implement an existing decoder by training on the Lab 5 instruction times and testing on the first 80 trials of the Lab 6 test data. Compare this to your improved decoder. When you have a decoder you like, you can combine these test trials with the Lab 5 training data to create a larger training set. Then use your decoder to predict the movement direction of the last 77 trials of the Lab 6 dataset using firing rates relative to the instruction cue. You can only use up to 1 second of data from the onset of the instruction cue.


1. How did you go about improving on the existing decoding approaches? Provide data and/or figures to support your argument.

2. Compare the accuracy of your decoder on the first 80 trials of the Lab 6 dataset with a baseline approach (such as maximum likelihood), both trained on the Lab 5 training set. Create a confusion matrix to report the results or your decoder.


3. Create a .mat file with your prediction for the movement direction for the last 77 trials, corresponding to instruction cues 81 through 157. Send this along with your .m files and a short lab report (2-3 pages) to the TA.

Please go through and complete the final project according to the guide exactly. And also complete the 2-3 page lab report. As a solution, please send a MATLAB file and a docx file for the written solution.


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This project is about implement the unique decoding technique for the given data.First the existing decoding techniques such as population vector decoding and maximum likelihood decoding is implemented and then it has been compared with optimized population vector decoding technique.

Reference no: EM132225062

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1/30/2019 11:52:32 PM

Please go through and complete the final project according to the guide exactly. And also complete the 2-3 page lab report. As a solution, please send a MATLAB file and a docx file for the written solution. Also, for the decoder, this is very important: PLEASE MAKE SURE TO MAKE THE TECHNIQUES USES TO DECODE UNIQUE AND UNORTHODOX. Don''t use normal and standardized techniques. Make the decoder unique and unorthodox, using interesting, unique, and overall zany techniques and code, but make sure it still works.

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