Compare porter and van der linde with fieser

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Reference no: EM131633864


1) If law and regulation embed the moral framework and businesses have no extra-legal obligations, expertise or responsibility, are businesses transgressing their proper limits when they influence legislation and/or regulation? Compare Porter and van der Linde with Fieser.

2) Fieser argues that businesses do not and should not be held to have obligations beyond what the law requires. He argues that the moral framework of businesses is and ought to be embedded in law and regulation. Do you find his arguments persuasive? Why or why not?

3) Discuss the five ways that, according to Robert Frank, socially responsible firms might compete successfully. Are Frank's arguments exclusively prudential (based on self-interested calculations)? If corporate social responsibility (CSR) is limited to doing what is right as long as it serves the corporation's self-interest, how does CSR fare according to Hooker's three tests? (Generalization Test, Utilitarian Test & Virtue Test?)

Reference no: EM131633864

Questions Cloud

What are the advantages of each compensation programs : What are the advantages and disadvantages of each compensation programs? What are some alternatives to these types of compensation programs?
What was the balance of the factory overhead account : The following account appears in the ledger after only part of the postings have been completed for July, What was the balance of the factory overhead account
Discuss about thedeontology and politics : Hoederer: policy of the living for the living; not sacrifice for principles.Discuss about thedeontology and politics?
Define explanations of actions you may already take : explanations of actions you may already take or will be taking in tile future. why do you think your contribution is important
Compare porter and van der linde with fieser : Compare Porter and van der Linde with Fieser. Discuss the five ways that, according to Robert Frank, socially responsible firms might compete successfully.
What are the chemical and physical properties : What are the chemical and physical properties and the lytic/latent cycles of animal and plant viruses? How can viruses lead to cancer?
Calculate cash payments for inventory purchases : Calculate cash payments for inventory purchases using the direct method
Mental state theory welfarism : When the threshold is met, the constraint is still operative and the actor faces a moral dilemma.
What asset duration loans should fi purchase : What asset duration loans should it purchase in order to raise its average duration to five years?


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