Compare non-invasive and invasive ventilators

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133657184


1. Compare and contrast non-invasive and invasive ventilators.

2. What do you feel is the greatest consideration when you are assisting in mobilizing a patient on a ventilator? Why?

3. In this lesson, a table of vital sign norms based on American Heart Association Guidelines is provided. Discuss three methods of monitoring these vital signs in the ICU environment.

4. Describe a situation you have encountered when a patient's vital signs were cause for alarm. How did you respond? What is the responsibility of the PTA during treatment sessions with these patients?

5. Early mobilization for patients on ventilators has been found to be both effective and feasible for a number of reasons. Locate a peer-reviewed research article on this topic.

Add a treatment session to include information gathered during your research of early ambulation and physical therapy with the ventilator patient.

a. Consider some of the following:

• Challenges with patient communication

• Session length

• Interventions

• Frequency of treatments

• Effects of medication on the patient

Reference no: EM133657184

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