Compare neural networks and svm techniques

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131466982

Question One

The following decision tree has been created for loan approval.


a. Convert this tree to if then rules

b. Using the following testing data:

i. Predict the class of each record (0.25)

Income range of applicant Criminal record Years in present job Makes credit card payments


Income range of applicant

Criminal record

Years in present job

Makes credit card payments


























No loan







No loan


ii. Calculate the accuracy of this model.

iii. Interpret the obtained result

iv. How we can improve the performance of the obtained model?

Question Two

Compare neural networks and SVM techniques. What do they have in common and what are the major differences?

Question Three

We can represent a data set as a collection of object nodes and a collection of attribute nodes, where there is a link between each object and each attribute, and where the weight of that link is the value of the object for that attribute. For sparse data, if the value is 0, the link is omitted. Bipartite clustering attempts to partition this graph into disjoint clusters, where each cluster consists of a set of object nodes and a set of attribute nodes. The objective is to maximize the weight of links between the object and attribute nodes of a cluster, while minimizing the weight of links between object and attribute links in different clusters. This type of clustering is also known as co-clustering since the objects and attributes are clustered at the same time.

a) How is bipartite clustering (co-clustering) different from clustering the sets of objects and attributes separately?

b) Are there any cases in which these approaches yield the same clusters?

Verified Expert

The assignment has been done with the help of the reference books and the slides given by the client. The decision tree is analysed and the rules are made as per the requirements. With the test data provided we have made the calculations and also the interpretations are made and suggested an approach for the existing model to get improved. The neural networks and the SVM techniques are analysed and answered. We also discussed about the clustering methods mentioned in a case study.

Reference no: EM131466982

Questions Cloud

Find the static temperature downstream of the shock wave : A normal shock wave occurs in an air flow at a point where the velocity is 750 m/s, the pressure is 50 kPa, and the temperature is 10°C.
Find the pressure and temperature in this reservoir : Air is expanded from a large reservoir in which the pressure and temperature are 500 kPa and 35°C through a variable area duct.
Find the static pressure behind the shock wave : Air is expanded from a reservoir in which the pressure and temperature are maintained at 1000 kPa and 30°C.
Flexible work schedule have on employees : What impact will a flexible work schedule have on employees' commitment to their employer? What about productivity? What about company effectiveness?
Compare neural networks and svm techniques : IT446- Data Mining and Data Warehousing Calculate the accuracy of this model - Interpret the obtained result and How we can improve the performance
Find the pressure and temperature in this second chamber : Air is expanded through a convergent-divergent nozzle from a large chamber in which the pressure and temperature are 200 kPa and 310 K, respectively.
Distinctiveness through focus on the internal environment : The identification of distinctiveness through a focus on the internal environment is intended to answer the strategic question “What should the organization do?
Sperm for artificially inseminating his patients : A physician was recently convicted of using his own sperm for artificially inseminating his patients. He told the court that he didn't see anything wrong.
Estimate the pressure acting on the front of the body : Air at a temperature of 10°C and a pressure of 50 kPa flows over a blunt nosed body at a velocity of 500 m/s. Estimate the pressure acting on the front.



5/10/2017 5:13:19 AM

Hi guys, Last night I recieved my "Task". A debt of gratitude is in order for that! Whilst this is the first occasion when I've needed to request help in assignment's all things considered need it because of circumstances.


4/19/2017 1:10:13 AM

Learning Outcome(s): • Examine decision tree induction. Learning Outcome(s): • Examine algorithms such as: backpropagation; and support vector machine. Learning Outcome(s): Clustering


4/19/2017 1:09:42 AM

Please answer all questions. and make sure that is not copied from internet or book. For your reference: please find the books and slides from this link: • This Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard via the allocated folder. • Email submission will not be accepted. • You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. • You MUST show all your work. • Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded. • Identical copy from students or other resources will result in ZERO marks for all involved students. • Submit this assignment in MS WORD format.

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