Reference no: EM132472912
Discussion 1: Compare modern human behavior to behavior of any other animal (including our hominin ancestors), using real-life observation combined with web-based research.
Question 1: Choose ONE specific aspect of behavior to focus on, and record your observations of real-live humans. For example: food sharing, conflict management, or interactions under the influence of alcohol.
Question 2: Find a TedTalk or YouTube video that features non-human animals exhibiting similar or contrasting behavior. You are welcome to interpret this broadly, and bring your human creativity here. Provide a link to that video.
Question 3: Post a brief description of the human behavior that you observed, a description of the behavior that is described or shown in your web resource, and a comparison/contrast of similarities and differences between humans and our non-human relatives.
Question 4: Conclude with a hypothesis explaining the similarities and/or differences that you have observed in an evolutionary context: i.e., how have these behaviors facilitated survival and reproductive success, why have they been selected for?
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