Compare ManageEngine OpManager with network management tool

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132293835

Network Management Tool-ManageEngine OpManager

Assignment Description

A report containing a complete discussion and analysis of the given topic.

The report must have following parts:

Part 1: ManageEngine OpManager

The students explore ManageEngine OpManager by reviewing the literature including research papers, book chapters, and independent scholarly reports by experts, and research based videos. At least three articles related to technology supporting ManageEngine OpManager need to be analysed in depth by discussing the overall contribution, scope and limitations of each research work.

Following aspects related to ManageEngine OpManager must be discussed:
- Network Performance Management
- OpManager-perfect fit for network monitoring-why
- Analyse with the help of a diagram the network monitoring and troubleshooting process

Part 2: Applications of ManageEngine OpManager

Students need to discuss both applications in each of the following domains supported by ManageEngine OpManager

- How does ManageEngine OpManager provide real-time availability monitor?
- How does ManageEngine OpManager perform Network traffic analysis?

Part 3: Compare ManageEngine OpManager with any other network management tool

- Discuss in detail similarities and differences between the two.

Attachment:- Networked Application Management.rar

Verified Expert

The report is about networked Application management.The tool is employed for monitoring the networked resources and network health, traffic analysis etc.As a whole, the report details the ManageEngineOP manager versatility and will compare the same with PRTG. The Report is presented in three parts and also references.

Reference no: EM132293835

Questions Cloud

How company will benefit by offering new product or service : This section should focus on providing a concise overview of your new product or service and how company will benefit by offering this new product or service.
Did you add value from your own professional : Did you provide several relevant references that helped make your points? Of course you can use the main MIT/Sloan case as a reference, but did you reach out.
What is the next step that should be taken in analyzing data : A researcher obtains an F value that is significant at the .01 level. What is the next step that should be taken in analyzing the data
Describe each position in detail and weigh the benefits : Describe each position in detail and weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each. Be clear and give good reasons for the claims you make.
Compare ManageEngine OpManager with network management tool : How does ManageEngine OpManager provide real-time availability monitor - discuss both applications in each of the following domains supported by ManageEngine
What is the arguments weakest feature : Do any perceptual filters significantly affect the author's thinking? What is the argument's strongest feature? What is the argument's weakest feature?
Create a tax plan for the future redemption of client stock : Suppose you are a CPA hired to represent a client who is currently under examination by the IRS. The client is the president and 95% shareholder of a building.
What are some of the examples of engagement metrics : What cultural assumptions can be developed that mitigate and prohibit silo development within organizations?
Which one do you feel the least comfortable : Why is successful development with each of these important to student persistence, retention, and completion?



4/26/2019 1:53:04 AM

All the instructions are given in the file attached. please go through thoroughly. make sure of the correct fonts and all the details. and please follow the format. thanks All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a title Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.


4/26/2019 1:52:25 AM

Part 2 Analyse and discuss both applications each supported by ManageEngine OpManager in the following domains: ? How does ManageEngine OpManager provide real-time availability monitor? ? How does ManageEngine OpManager perform Network traffic analysis? There has to be at least 2-3 references for each application. 10* 2 =20 Part 3 Differences and similarities between ManageEngine OpManager with any other network management tool are to be discussed and analysed 4 Conclusion Draw a conclusion of the report with complete summary of all sections 2 Reference style Follow IEEE reference style, in text citation and complete reference list. 2 Total 50


4/26/2019 1:52:00 AM

Hi dear, can you make this assignment for me. Section to be included in the report Description of the section Marks Introduction Introduction of ManageEngine OpManager in terms of use and popularity. Also the structure of the assignment should be discussed. 2 Part 1 Discussion of following aspects related to ManageEngine OpManager: ? Network Performance Management ? OpManager-perfect fit for network monitoring why? ? Analyse with the help of a diagram the network monitoring and troubleshooting process 8+ 6+ 6 =20

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