Compare experience working under transformational leader

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133599286


1. Distribute your questionnaire to 8-10 people (individually or in a group of two and collect responses.

A. Describe a situation where you felt your supervisor or manager demonstrated transformational leadership qualities. How does it make you feel?

B. In your experience, how does a transformational leader's approach affect your motivation and commitment to tasks?

C. Can you recall a time when your performance improved due to the guidance and influence of a transformational leader? Please provide details.

D. Compare your experience working under a transformational leader with those under a different leadership structure. How did each leadership style impact your overall job satisfaction and performance?.

2. Thematically analyze the responses you have collected. Your will report on the key findings with regard to each of your open-ended questions (and with regard to your research question). This should include some reporting of themes, frequencies, trends, comparisons, and contrasts among responses.

3. To illustrate points in the paper, you should include verbatim excerpts from your interviews (i.e., direct quotations). These excerpts must be integrated into the text of your report, not put in a separate section at the end. The purpose of these verbatim quotes is to illustrate specific points, and to more clearly help the reader to understand the findings. You must not indicate which respondent made each comment, because this would be an infringement of confidentiality. Remember that you can use points to support patterns, and to highlight deviant answers as exceptions (if applicable).

4. You do not have to consult outside sources for this portion of your project. However, if you do use any outside sources (no matter what they are - internet, articles, books, etc.), you must make sure to provide.

Reference no: EM133599286

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