Compare between a trend-moving and centered-moving average

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1327704

Obtain the daily price data over the past five years for three different stocks. Data can be obtained from the Internet by using the following keywords: stock price data, return data, company data, and stock returns.

•Create trend-moving averages with the following values form: 10, 100, and 200. Graph the data with Excel.

•Create centered-moving averages with the following values form: 10, 100, and 200. Graph the data with Excel.

•How do the moving averages for the same values of m compare between a trend-moving average and a centered-moving average?

•Explain how these moving averages can assist a stock analyst in determining the stocks' price direction. Provide a detailed explanation with justifications.

(Word Document and Excel sheet)

Reference no: EM1327704

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