Compare and evaluate procedural programming languages

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131290265

This assignment contributes to the assessment of the following learning outcomes:

- Demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of procedural programming using an appropriate programming language, including the use of variables, conditions, loops, subprograms.
- Compare and evaluate procedural programming languages.

Task 1

You should write code to implement the program detailed below. You should implement this TWICE - once in C++ and once in another programming language. You may choose the other programming language from: Ruby, Perl, BASIC, Python, Javascript, Processingjs.

Task 2

You should write a short essay comparing the use of loops in the two programs you have created for task 1. You should discuss:

- Differences in the way that loops are used and written in the two languages.
- A discussion of which approach you feel is best, with reasons.

You should limit the discussion to the code you have written, so do not discuss any syntax that you have not used. If you use sources of information, you should reference them correctly. Please use for information on how to reference sources.

The word limit for this essay is 455 words. You are allowed to go over the word limit by up to 10% without penalty. (So in this case, you can write up to 500 words). If you exceed this, the mark for this assignment will drop by 5%. (So if you got a mark of 75%, this would drop to 70%).

The program

Your program will allow the user to play a game of "Pennies" against the computer. The game starts with 20 pennies arranged in a row. Each player takes it in turn to remove between 1 and 5 pennies. The loser is the person who removes the final penny.
When running the game, the player can choose whether to make the first move, or ask the computer to.

When it is the player's turn, the player can choose between 1 and 5 pennies. The program should prevent the player from removing any other number of pennies.

When it is the computer's turn, the computer will remove a random number of pennies - from 1 to 5. The exception is when there are fewer than 7 pennies left. In this case, the computer should remove the correct number of pennies to win the game. The program should let the player know how many pennies were taken.

Before each turn, the program should display the number of pennies remaining, both as a number and by showing a line of circles to represent pennies. For example:

                Pennies remaining: 12      oooooooooooo

At the end of the game, the program should say who won. It should then allow the user to either play another game or quit the program. The program should keep track of how many times the player has won and how many times the player has lost. This should be displayed when the player chooses to quit the program.

Notes on code style

You are expected to follow the style guidelines for C++, which are available on Blackboard. If you don't follow the guidelines, this may affect your marks, as noted in the mark scheme below.

The style guide asks you to include comments at the top of your code. This would normally include your name. However, to allow for anonymous marking, please put only your student ID number.

The style rules may not apply to the other language that you are using. However, you code should be neat, well-structured and commented.

Reference no: EM131290265

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11/25/2016 4:33:23 AM

Discussion of loop mechanisms – 10marks 9-10 A full discussion of all features of the loops used in the program, including an insightful evaluation of the two mechanisms leading to a well-reasoned comparison. 7-8 A discussion of all features of the loops used in the program. Some useful comparisons have been drawn, showing a reflective comparison of the two languages. 5-6 Most features of the loop mechanisms have been discussed. The student has made some attempt to discuss relative merits, but without much insight. 3-4 An incomplete discussion of the differences between the loop mechanisms, or the student has made no real attempt to compare the two. 1-2 Some differences between the loop mechanisms are stated, but without much discussion. 0 Discussion was not submitted or contains very little useful information.


11/25/2016 4:33:15 AM

Program in other language - 5 marks 5 A program that completely implements the description above. There are no errors in the program. The user is given appropriate information and guidance. 4 A complete program that has only minor errors. Some user guidance may be incomplete. 3 The program allows the user to play the game, but features specified in the description above are missing. User interaction may be unhelpful. 2 A working program that partially implements the description above, but has significant omissions. User interaction may be obstructive. 1 The program is incomplete, but contains useful code that could be developed to a working program. 0 Program is not submitted or contains little useful code.


11/25/2016 4:32:57 AM

C++ program - 5 marks 5 A program that completely implements the description above and follows the style rules used in the module. There are no errors in the program. The user is given appropriate information and guidance. 4 A complete program that has only minor errors or deviation from the style rules. Some user guidance may be incomplete. 3 The program allows the user to play the game, but features specified in the description above are missing. There may be errors in the code style and user interaction may be unhelpful. 2 A working program that partially implements the description above, but has significant omissions. There may be serious deviations from the code style or user interaction may be obstructive. 1 The program is incomplete, but contains useful code that could be developed to a working program. 0 Program is not submitted or contains little useful code.

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