Compare and contrast two business research papers

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13704596 , Length: 1691 Words

The purpose of the discussion question is to allow you as the student/learner to demonstrate your understanding of the chapter's key learning points and how you might apply them in given situation.

Participating in the discussion question forum provides you as the student/learner an opportunity to compare your ideas to ideas from others in your class.

Instruction: Using the chapter's key learning points, provide your answer to the question below. What is scientific research? Why is it important for a manager to understand this type of research?

What steps would a manager take to implement a scientific research project?

This assignment requires the creation of an at least 5-page APA compliant multiple source essay citing at most four peer reviewed full text journal articles fetched from ProQuest, BE & T, InfoTrac, and Academic One File. The essay should demonstrate the following:

- Compare and contrast two business research papers as to describe how the researchers utilized the hypothetico-deductive method.

- Explain why the researchers exhibited similarities and differences in how they applied the hypothetico-deductive method.

- Derive one rule about using the hypothetico-deductive method given the above analysis.

- Explain why the rule you derived is important.

Further, the essay should have segments clearly labeled using APA Level 1 and 2 headings.

You may wish to consider the following steps to help organize your pre-writing efforts:

Step 1. Brainstorm ideas and develop a thesis statement for the paper. 
Step 2. Gather ideas into lists by listing subordinate ideas beneath main ideas. 
Step 3. Organize the lists as to build a logical argument supporting your thesis statement. 
Step 4. Create an outline of the introduction paragraph containing the thesis statement. 
Step 5. Create an outline of the conclusion justifying your thesis statement. 
Step 6. Begin drafting your paper!

The Introduction Paragraph

The introduction paragraph should orientate the reader, prepare them for the essay, and explicitly state the thesis statement. Introductions tend to be nine or less sentences and often draw upon one of the following strategies:

Historical Introduction. A brief historical review of the topic may be helpful in presenting a thesis statement.

Anecdotal Approach. A very brief story may be helpful in presenting a thesis statement.

Surprising Statement. Using a surprising statement or fact may lead a reader into a thesis statement.

Posing a Question. Sometimes posing a question as to hook the reader may lead them into a thesis statement.

The Funnel Strategy. This strategy opens with a very broad statement followed by a series of statements landing the reader onto the thesis statement.

No matter the strategy, your introduction should hook the reader and end upon your thesis statement.

Body Paragraphs

The bulk of the essay uses body paragraphs as to support the thesis statement. Strong body paragraphs contain the following elements:

- A topic sentence encapsulating and organizing the entire paragraph. 
- Potentially one or two additional sentences explaining the topic sentence. 
- Introduction, statement, and unpacking of evidence as to support the topic sentence. 
- One or two concluding sentences illustrating how the paragraph contributed to the support of the thesis statement.

Reference no: EM13704596

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