Reference no: EM133087530
ITECH1400 Introduction to Problem Solving and Software Development Methodologies
Question 1. Choosing from the options of Simple, Complicated, Complex and Wicked, how would you classify the following problems?
Question 2. What are the commonly accepted six-steps of problem solving? Provide a brief explanation of each step.
Question 3. Draw / fill-in the below Fishbone diagram that helps to identify potential root causes of the problem: Not Sleeping Well:
Question 4. When solving a problem, some of the more commonly used strategies include:
a. Trial and error,
b. Using some form of algorithm,
c. Using some form of heuristic.
Describe an example of using each of these methods for the problem: Can't find my keys.
Question 5. Briefly explain why it is not only expected, but that it's actually vital to fail at things - and how keeping a growth mindset is so important to eventually succeeding at a task. Also, list a few different ways of interpreting failure in a positive light that will help you to perform better in the future.
Question 6. Name the three main types of programming languages (NOT how programming languages are converted into machine code), and give a brief description of each:
Question 7. Compare and contrast the waterfall method of software development with the more iterative agile development methodology. What are the main differences between them? Sketch a quick diagram of each.