Reference no: EM133270349 , Length: word count:1200
Learning outcome 1: Assess an instructional session associated with adult learners.
In this assignment, you will observe, document, and evaluate two instructional sessions associated with adult learners.
Select two recorded instructional sessions, one from List A and one from List B:
List A:
Scaffolding as a Teaching Strategy.
ample Demonstration Lesson
List B:
Safety Demonstrations.
Teaching With Style; Mechanical Energy Conservation.
Whole Brain Teaching: The Basics
Using the T eaching Observation Form, you will:
Rate each instructor's performance from 1-5 in each of the evaluative criteria on the form, with one being the lowest and five being the highest.
Question 1. You will also include a rationale or comment for each rating. If you do not observe an evaluative criterion, do not rate the criterion and mark an N/A in the rationale or
Question 2. Critique the overall effectiveness of each instructional session. Use your observation and evaluation notes from the "Teaching Observation Form" to provide a rationale for your critique.
Question 3. Assess the instructional strengths and areas for improvement of each session. Provide a rationale for your assessments using examples from your observations.
Question 4. Compare and contrast the strengths and areas for improvement for the two sessions observed.
Question 5. Based on your current or preferred career, specify two concepts you can apply from this assignment.
Question 6. Assess your lessons learned from using the "Teaching Observation Form." Suggest at least one improvement in the form.
Question 7. Include the completed "Teaching Observation Forms" as an Appendix to your paper.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards.