Compare and contrast the observed behaviors

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Reference no: EM13745143

Primate Behavior Report

Instructions for Primate Behavior Project:

Non-human primates exhibit many of the same behaviors found in humans. Similarities exist due to our common ancestry and evolutionary history; we also may face similar environmental pressures, and we have similar needs and concerns (e.g., finding food, mates, shelter, care of offspring). In this project, you will have the opportunity to observe the behavior of non-human primates, in a zoo setting (or on video), then writing and presenting a report on your findings. You may observe primates at your local zoo, or you may make observations from online videos of primate behavior (links to online videos will provided by your instructor).

For your observations, you will take notes of the primate behaviors. You will use the notes later in writing up your final report. You will report the patterns of behavior that you observe, answering the questions listed below. The final report should be 5-7 pages in length, double-spaced, with 10 point font, have one-inch margins, and consist of a literate, articulate reflection about what you have observed.

If you wish to cite relevant primate research studies in your report, please cite using APA citation format and provide your sources in bibliographic list at the end of your report.

Information to include in your Primate Behavior Report:

1. Date, time, and place of the observation (if you are observing at zoo).

2. Weather or other conditions at the time of the observation.

3. Sex and ages (or age ranges) of the primate(s) observed (if known).

4. Species. (provide genus, species and subspecies)

5. Summarize the natural habitat and geographic distribution of this primate species in the natural world. (You may find out this information from Primate Fact Sheets found at the Primate Info Net website, in addition to information provided at zoo displays or zoo website).

6. Describe at least five (5) behavior patterns that you observed. Define each of these behaviors.

7. What does the individual primate gain from each of these behaviors? Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each behavior from both the individual and the group perspective.

8. Compare and contrast the observed behaviors with those of human beings. Are there similar behavior patterns in humans? Why or why not?

9. Describe the interactions you observed between humans at the zoo (humans as zoo employees and as visitors) and the nonhuman primates.

10. How might the zoo environment influence the non-human primate behaviors you observed? What sort of enrichment activities does the zoo provide for the non-human primates?

11. Conclusions and Reflections: What are your conclusions about the similarities in non-human primate behaviors and human behaviors? Were the behaviors different than you expected? How do behaviors show adaptation to the environment?

12. Bibliography: Please provide citations for all sources used to prepare your report.

Reference no: EM13745143

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