Compare and contrast the nuclear power strategies

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Reference no: EM131942100 , Length: word count:2000

Nuclear Technology Module


The aim of this report is to test the students understanding of the Unit Learning Outcomes against a scope agreed with the Unit Leader.

Scope of the Report

The scope of the report will be based on the Unit Learning Outcomes in an area that will benefit the future career or interests of the student.

Examples of Report titles are:

Compare and contrast the nuclear power strategies of countries in Europe and the Middle East.

Evaluate the decision of various countries to utilise or reject geological disposal plans for nuclear waste.

Critique the conflict between the use of renewables and nuclear power in a countries energy mix.

Examine the effects and implications of an aging nuclear workforce.

Compare and contrast the UKs Generic Design Assessment with other countries arrangements for nuclear new build.

Consider the impact of a nuclear reactor accident, similar to Chernobyl, on the world today.

Evaluate the use of a unified international regulatory arrangement, compared to the current national arrangements.

Evaluate the difficulties of utilising nuclear reactors in international transport.

Critique the Generation IV nuclear reactor designs and identify the most suitable for implementation.

Evaluate open and closed nuclear fuel cycles in an international context.

Report Format

Description: The report against the agreed scope should be a nominal 2000 words. This word limit excludes the preliminary section, references and bibliography and appendices.

The following format is provided for guidance on suggested layout for the assessed Report:

A. Preliminary Section
1. Title Page
2. Abstract/Summary
3. Table of Contents
4. Acknowledgments (if any)

B. Main Body

1. Introduction
a. Statement of the Problem/Requirement
b. Significance of the Problem/Requirement and historical background
c. Assumptions and Limitations

2. Discussion, including:
e. Method of Information/data gathering
f. Results

C. Conclusions and Recommendations

D. References and Bibliography

E. Annexes/Appendices (as required)

Reference no: EM131942100

Questions Cloud

What are advantages of using framework you chose for hiring : Assignment Applying a Personality Framework to the Hiring Process- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the framework you chose for hiring?
What are important trades-offs involving the inputs : Many times trade-offs are necessary to increase productivity. What are important trades-offs involving the inputs to productivity?
How many possible groups of 3 are possible : The Internal Revenue Service is going to select 3 tax returns to audit from a group of 10 randomly provided to them from the NYC area of the state of NY.
Recognizing the importance of placement : How many possibilities are there for selecting the three winners recognizing the importance of their placement with respect to being first, second or third?
Compare and contrast the nuclear power strategies : ENG792S2 - The aim of this report is to test the students understanding of the Unit Learning Outcomes against a scope agreed with the Unit Leader
What forces and organizational activities enable a firm : Read the Forbes article, "The Forces That Are Transforming How Products Are Made." Based on the content presented in the article, what forces and important.
Assess level at which common law has impact overall decision : Assess the level at which common law has impacted overall decisions related to healthcare policy. Provide two specific examples to support your rationale.
Reflects on the connection between religion and violence : The readings and videos in this section address the complex and globally consequential role of violence, extremism, terrorism and military interventions.
Develop a clearer understanding of what globalization is : You will develop a clearer understanding of what globalization is and how these linkages are critical to your success working abroad.



4/14/2018 5:35:24 AM

Evidence (Reports, etc) Evidence unorganized, incomplete and descriptive. Evidence presented with logical and clear structure, well organised with good use of language; cited and presented according to convention. Evidence fluent, detailed and coherent, soundly structured for the intended audience. And well referenced with discrimination in content included Evidence of professional quality, requiring only minor editing for publication. /20


4/14/2018 5:35:20 AM

Cognition Little attempt at evaluation. Vague conclusions not based on researched material. Demonstrates an ability to develop and support an argument in a predominately descriptive way with valid conclusions drawn from the research. Analyses new data and situations without guidance, using a range of techniques appropriate to the subject. Identifies and defines complex problems and can apply appropriate knowledge and skills to their solution. Can critically evaluate research and scholarship. Analyses incomplete, complex, or contradictory areas of knowledge. Demonstrates initiative and originality in problem solving. Shows ability to plan and implement proposals. And acts autonomously and professionally in planning and implementing tasks. Acts independently to make decisions in complex and unpredictable situations. /30


4/14/2018 5:35:01 AM

GradingCriteria Detailed grading criteria are overleaf and the following are the general grading criteria: Title of Work: Class-L7 Fail Low Pass High Pass Merit Distinction Mark Knowledge Has a largely given, possibly uneven and limited, factual and conceptual knowledge base. Limited or inappropriate research Demonstrates a grasp of key concepts and familiarity with local/company literature in the wider context. Has a comprehensive and detailed knowledge of a major discipline, supported by a critical contextual overview of the literature. Has depth and systematic understanding of detailed knowledge in specialised or applied areas. Extensive use of relevant and current literature to view topic in perspective, analyse context and develop new explanations and theories. And can work with theoretical or research-based knowledge at the forefront of their academic discipline /30

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