Compare and contrast the kichwa ideas

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Reference no: EM133778069

Question 1. In Modules 6 and 7, we read various sources that describe the ideas that the Kichwa (also spelled "Quichua" or "Runa") of the Ecuadorian Amazon have have about shamanism, the mind-altering drug ayahuasca, and relationships to the spirits. (1) Summarize these ideas and then (2) analyze three similarities or differences between those beliefs and the Native American Church's ideas about peyote (described in Module 5).

Question 2. Now, compare and contrast the Kichwa ideas to the ideas of the European and North American tourists who go to South America seeking shamans and ayahuasca experiences. For a good score, you should describe at least five different similarities or differences.

Reference no: EM133778069

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