Reference no: EM132812985
Essay 1 -Law
We learned about property-based crimes such as vandalism, arson, burglary and the various forms of larceny (theft). We also learned about crimes against public order such as breaches of the peace and riot, drug and alcohol offenses and even terrorism.
Compare and contrast the crimes of vandalism and larceny. Likewise, compare and contrast the crimes of burglary and trespassing.
Which theft (larceny) offense is most serious in your opinion? Why?
Should gambling be illegal? Should the drinking age be raised, lowered, or kept the same? Defend your answers.
What is the role of the PATRIOT Act in combating terrorism?
Explain the difference between rioting and unlawful assembly.
ESSAY 2 -Juvenil Justice
We learned about the origins of the due process aspects of juvenile justice, the transferring of juvenile offenders to adult court, and the death penalty as it relates to juveniles.
Explain the difference between a juvenile detention hearing and a preliminary hearing. Why are they both important?
What are your state's standards for transferring a juvenile to adult court for trial?
Use your text and the internet to research the case of Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551 (2005). Provide an overview of the case, discussing the facts, issue, and ultimate court holding. If you were a justice on the Supreme Court in Roper v. Simmons, would you have voted with the majority or dissent? Give your rationale.
Prior to the Roper v. Simmons decision, what was the standard for the death penalty for juveniles in your state? Research and report the last time a convicted juvenile was executed in your state.
ESSAY 3 -environmental science
We learned about one of our most vital resources, water. We also learned about the atmosphere and nutrient pollution.
Over 70% of the earth's surface is covered by water. What percentage of that water is fresh and why is most fresh water unavailable for direct use by organisms?
Describe the zones of aquifers and how the water table changes over time.
Discuss freshwater wetlands. Name three types and describe their function in nature.
Describe littoral, photic, benthic, and pelagic zones in the ocean.
Discuss the four layers of the atmosphere.
What are the effects of excessive nutrient pollution in surface water ways?