Compare and contrast the b2c versus b2b buying behavior

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131435471 , Length: word count:300

We market to consumers differently than we do when we market to businesses. There are some marketing basics that are the same but there are also many differences. The decision to buy is derived in different ways and requires a whole different approach from marketers. In this assignment, you are to explain these similarities and differences.

Compare and contrast the B2C versus B2B Buying Behavior for a current product on the market today. Use the same product for both the B2C and B2B situation.

Discuss any similarities or differences between the two. Use real-life examples in your analysis.

Examine how these buying behaviors would affect marketing activities/ strategies.

Be sure to provide supporting evidence for your statements.

Write your initial response in a minimum of 200-300 words. Apply a standard business writing style (headers/ sub heads/ bullets) to your work but be sure to cite your work in the APA format.

Reference no: EM131435471

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