Reference no: EM131295192 , Length:
The objective is to enable the student to understand what KM systems are, and the organizational impacts that those systems h a v e . Furthermore, factors influencing the success of KM solutions have to be understood, including how these systems should be aligned to the organization's business strategy.
1. Compare and contrast strategies for the capture, organization, dissemination and application of knowledge within an organization.
2. Carry out an organizational KM audit.
By now, you would be aware about the importance of Knowledge Management and how organizations can benefit with well- developed KM systems. You have also seen that it is not very easy to implement Knowledge Management System as it depends on three major factors of people, process and technology and that knowledge for an organization can be acquired from
various sources both internal and external. Equipped with this knowledge you are required to complete this assignment which contributes towards 50% of your coursework [In-semester] marks.
Choose any one of the following, considering that you have suitable access to the process of Working, data and functions without breaching any confidentiality.
- The organization or part of the organization (department/division) at your current place of work.
- The organization or part of the organization (department/division) at a previous workplace of yours.
- The organization or part of the organization (department/division) where you are not working and have not worked previously, but to which you have suitable access for this assessment. For example (you could consider departments/units at MEC like Student Success Centre, Marketing Department, Student Support Services, Library etc. but with prior discussion with your faculty).
You can meet the desired personnel to gather information with a scheduled appointment.
Each individual student should have a different situation picked and worked on. Given so many different options, there should be very little chance of duplication.
Pre-Task 1: Understand the profile of the organization (business case). Focus on the department identified and its role in the organization and explore the following:
Task - 1:
What knowledge is captured and how is it captured?
What methods are used to elicit knowledge from experts? What is the knowledge found in people and artifacts?
What tools, technologies and methods are used to store knowledge? Where is the knowledge applied/used and how is it shared/disseminated?
Task 2:
Perform a SWOT for the above chosen function/department.
Carry out a knowledge audit for the above chosen organization/department/function. Present the audit outcome in a tabular format with appropriate details containing both the present and the future state and with appropriate recommendations.
Task 3
Carefully read the provided research paper "Information Technologies for Knowledge Management: Their Usage and Effectiveness" and answer the following:
Debate upon the use of IT in the chosen organization is useful for the transmission of explicit knowledge and information.
Task 4: Documentation and referencing
Additional Instructions:
- Report: Prepare a report document containing the answers to the above tasks. It should additionally show details on the profile of the organization/department/function chosen and the elicitation methods you used to gather information on the organization / department
/ function and should show adequate literature review.
- Presentation: The presentation should comprise of 6 - 8 slides and containing the main points of the analysis of the two tasks. You would also be evaluated on your knowledge of the task analysis and on being able to justify your line of thought towards the same within the context of Knowledge Management in a viva. Students absent for the case presentation and viva will be marked zero for the whole assessment.
- You are required to submit the assignment through Moodle by 13th Week. The presentation dates will be confirmed in the classroom.
- Additionally you can meet instructors to clarify your doubts and discuss the case chosen by 10th Session so as to get a clarity that you are in the right direction.
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