Compare and contrast internal and external auditing

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131323696

Smith, a certified public accounting firm, was engaged to audit the financial statements of the Sky-is-the-Limit company. The company has its own IT installation. While obtaining an understanding of internal control, Smith found that Sky-is-the-Limit lacked proper segregation of the programming and operating functions. Smith analyzed the internal control surrounding the system to ensure that the corporate governance was being maintained, and he concluded that the existing compensating general control activities provided reasonable assurance that the objectives of internal control were being met.

Prepare a letter addressed to the board of directors that discusses the following:

How is the separation of the programming and operating functions accomplished in a properly functioning IT environment? Explain the 3 subdivisions of information systems management, and discuss how they apply to this situation.

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Assignment Objectives

Compare and contrast internal and external auditing in terms of their role in business and society, their goals and objectives, and their processes and practice

Reference no: EM131323696

Questions Cloud

What is the essence of the new ruling : Create the journal entry or entries to show the proper recording of revenue - Create the subsequent journal entry to show spending of the funds.
What is her opportunity cost of going to the aquarium : That trip would cost $50, but she would be willing to pay up to $100. What is her opportunity cost of going to the aquarium?
What is the expansion path : Boxes of cereal are produced by using a fixedproportion production function: One box and one unit (12 ounces) of cereal produce one box of cereal. What is the expansion path? What is the cost function?
Propane gas is burned in excess oxygen : How many moles of carbon dioxide are produced when 19.3 mol of propane gas is burned in excess oxygen? C3H8+5O2=3CO2+4H2O? Please show work.
Compare and contrast internal and external auditing : Compare and contrast internal and external auditing in terms of their role in business and society, their goals and objectives, and their processes and practice
Calculate the activity coefficients for the acidic : Using the Debye-Hucket equation, calculate the activity coefficients for the acidic and basic forms of bromocresol green, HX- and X2-, for a solution with an ionic strength of u=0.1M.
Conduct a search of the literature on one of the problems : What are the health and safety issues in Ironridge compared to Summerville? Record the health and safety issues you find in Ironridge and Summerville. Describe one health issue and one safety issue in each city (Ironridge and Summerville). Try to ..
Determine the information requested : Write the balanced equation, then outline the steps necessary to determine the information requested in each of the following a) the number of moles and the mass of Mg required to react with 5.00 g of HCl and produce MgCl2 and H2
Calculate the traditional payback period and irr : Calculate the traditional payback period, IRR, NPV, and PVI (present value index) for the project with the following cash flows. The opportunity cost of capital for the project is 14%.


Write a Review

Auditing Questions & Answers

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  Prepare a memo on the state of the company''s industry

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