Compare and contrast human services organizations

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Reference no: EM13783149

Compare and Contrast Human Services Organizations

It is important to understand that human services are broad in spectrum and consist of many types of service delivery, including mental health, child welfare, medical care, public assistance, and corrections. In addition, human services organizations have varying organizational structures. There are different types of funding sources, legislation, and standards that influence how an agency will function to serve the clients in its community. For example, some agencies receive public funding to operate and must follow standards set down by those funding sources when providing services and running the agency. On the other hand, there are facilities that receive their revenues primarily from private funding, commercial insurance, or self-payment from clients and may not have to follow the same guidelines to operate the agency.
In this assignment, you will explore different types of human services organizations and select two types of organizations (for example, health, mental health, child welfare, or education) to draw comparisons between them. You will examine how the related funding sources, legislation, and standards interact with one another to influence service delivery.


Using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, complete the following:

  • In a 3- to 4-page report, address the following:
  1. The history and scope of services of the selected human services organizations
  2. The administrative operations of each agency
  3. The legislation that has influenced the services and type of agencies selected
  4. The major differences between the agency models of service delivery, organizational structure, funding sources, and how they evaluate their effectiveness (for example, outcome measures)
  • Identify two provisional factors (for example, performance outcome measures) that have direct implications on direct service.
  1. Discuss their effects, positive or negative, on the agency as well as the service provider.
  2. Provide your opinion on the costs and benefits of regulated operational standards on the effectiveness of services.

Reference no: EM13783149

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