Compare and contrast five design pattern activity

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Reference no: EM1364443

Design Pattern Activity: Prepare a 2-3 page paper comparing and contrasting five of the design patterns . Choose any five from the list.

Adapter - helps to reuse an object or method by adapting its interface to a more common one
Controller - controls client access and manages every request
Data Access Object (DAO) - encapsulates access to data, hiding its complexity from users
Dispatcher - controls client access and re-directs or dispatches client requests to the proper party that can be located on the same or a different tier
Façade - hides a functional complexity; DAO can be considered a specialized Façade
Factory Method - creates a family of related objects instantiated by subclasses
Abstract Factory Method - creates a family of families (adds a dimension to the Factory Method)
Model - logically represents (models) system states and functions
Observer - provides a mechanism (implementing an interface or abstract class) for event notification
Proxy - provides access to a remote target via an intermediate object
View - takes responsibility for the presentation layer
Model-View-Controller (MVC) - separates business and presentation logic into three components named by design patterns listed above (this is an example of an architectural design pattern)

Reference no: EM1364443

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